51: The Stars' Debut

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(A/N: This and the previous chapter are based off of a Hetalia fanfic called "Morning Distractions" I used to be obsessed with--)
This was the worst pain (Y/N) had ever experienced, for sure; second only to the Cruciatus curse, but honestly not far off.
She's been laying there for hours, in endless pain, but apparently she was already almost completely dilated now, so...well, the pain was just going to get worse.
'How the hell do women do this more than once? Is there a spell I can use to make this not hurt??'
(Y/N)'s thoughts were completely focused on the pain, so she could hardly even hear Draco's words of comfort over her own screaming.
''Come on, (Y/N), you can do it, I believe—''
''I'm dying, I swear, I'm dying—I can't do it, I can't—''
''Shh,'' Draco attempted to soothe her, ''it'll be over soon...I think...''
'That doesn't help,' (Y/N) thought to herself, the pain completely unbearable.
Another scream left her mouth as she pushed for the umpteenth time.
''He's not wrong, Mrs. Malfoy, I can see the head—''
''Sweet Merlin, does that mean it's almost over?!''
(Y/N) yelled.
The nurse nodded, honestly looking a little scared; (Y/N) wanted nothing but to go home and curl up with Amorita right now, and perhaps read the rest of that stupid book as she stuffed herself with chocolate...
A searing pain went through (Y/N)'s body; she screamed again, but suddenly, it was gone again.
The sound of soft crying filled the room.
''Congratulations, it's a girl,'' the doctor announced, quickly handing the baby off to be cleaned up a bit before being wrapped in a blanket and handed to Draco.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked down at her; ''She's beautiful, (Y/N)...so small and precious and beautiful...'' he breathed, his expression nothing short of pure, unadulterated awe.
(Y/N) laughed as well as she could, ''you have a little princess to spoil now, Dray—''
She yelped as another sharp contraction tore through her body.
'That's not right...is it?!'
''Give me one last big push, (Y/N)!''
''What?!'' was all (Y/N) could utter before the pain worked its way back up to one hundred, and she was screaming again.
''Why is she still—'' Draco tried to speak, ''shouldn't she be—''
''Why do I still have to—''
Another searing pain; her throat was going to curl up and die if she screamed any more.
If she didn't get some serious spoiling after this, she was going to lose her will to live; how many years had this been going on for now?
It felt like she'd been laying there forever!
''Is it over ye—''
''One last push, Mrs. Malfoy!''
She did as he said before she could even respond, and then, like a switch had been flicked, the pain began to subside.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, letting the joy of not being in pain seep in before she opened her eyes again.
''Congratulations, another girl. You have twins.''
(Y/N) watched as the second, and far louder, girl was cleaned and handed to Draco, who was crying even more now.
''Twins,'' (Y/N) breathed, ''huh.''
And then she began to cry, too.
''Can I, um, hold them?'' (Y/N) said, still tired out from working so hard.
The first girl had quietened down now, but the second was still screaming; ''she's a drama queen,'' (Y/N) joked, ''I suppose she's your girl.''
''Hey!'' Draco responded, still crying, his tone thick with tears.
It was a few days later now, and both girls lay in their cribs (Isabel had gone back for a second one after hearing that (Y/N) had had twins).
''So, have you got any names in mind?'' asked Hermione.
''Jacoba; but I can't exactly call them both that, can I?'' (Y/N) said, laughing.
''Draco said you were considering Isabel,'' said Isabel, ''so that's always an option—''
(Y/N) shot Draco a glare. ''I wasn't.''
''Perhaps something spacey...like Venus...'' mused Luna.
''Eh...'' (Y/N) responded.
''Or something more simple, like Penny? It might compliment Jacoba well.'' Hermione suggested.
''I know a lot of people called Penny...'' (Y/N) responded.
Isabel sighed; ''I know this conversation is vital and stuff, but can we turn the heating on or something? It's bloody Alaskan in here—''
(Y/N) gasped; ''Isabel, say that again.''
''Can we turn the heating—''
''No the second part.'' (Y/N) interjected.
''It's Alaskan in here?''
(Y/N)'s face lit up; ''Alaska!''
As if she recognised it already, the louder of the two made a noise; ''hey, it seems she likes it too.'' Draco said.(Y/N) smiled, ''Jacoba and Alaska...Jacoba Aquarius and Alaska Pegasus.''
''Where did you—''
''I always said that Pegasus and Aquarius were sister stars as a child, and...well, they're sisters!''
Draco laughed; ''well, it fits them. Jacoba and Alaska Malfoy it is.''
Isabel cheered; ''score! I named the kid!''
Alaska made a noise that could be laughter as Isabel laughed; her currently still blue eyes looking up into Isabel's oceanic ones.
Jacoba didn't seem as pleased, doing what could only be described as a glare up at (Y/N)'s friends.
''She's just like you, (Y/N),'' Draco laughed, ''not a big fan of new people.''
''Oh, shut up!'' (Y/N) responded, laughing too.
(Y/N) had only just fallen asleep, and one of the girls had started screaming again.
If her mind served her correctly, that would be Alaska; she had made her presence as the louder child known from the get go, and she was still refusing to let go of the 'title' she'd earned within moments of existing.
''Shh, Alaska, go to sleep...'' Draco whispered, actually sounding very genuine, ''I'm here, you're safe...look, copy your sister.''
(Y/N) looked over; Jacoba was peacefully asleep, almost as if she'd been following an unspoken rule or something, and had her teeny little rabbit toy next to her.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of her, though; seeing the man she'd been through everything with, the man who was once the boy who relentlessly made fun of her, become such a soft, gentle spirit for a tiny person...
''Good girl, Alaska...'' he breathed, the small girl now falling asleep as he gently brushed his fingers over her head, ''go to sleep now.''
(Y/N) sighed contentedly, catching Draco's attention.
''Am I doing okay, (Y/N)?'' he asked, laying down, his eyes worrisome. ''You're doing amazingly, sweetheart,'' she replied honestly, smiling, ''don't worry so much.''
She laid down next to him, letting her eyes flutter closed; ''I love you, Dray. And the girls do, too.''
''I love you all more.''
(Y/N) laughed gently as she fell asleep, not expecting to be asleep long; not if Alaska had her way.
But sleep didn't really matter; she was still focused on the fact that she was a mother now.
A mother of two beautiful girls...

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