13: Party of One

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(A/N: Alternative title: Scone just wants to write about a Quidditch match today and gets really carried away for far too long)

(Y/N) was awoken from her rather surreal dream by the sound of a rather old owl. After groaning in tiredness, she slipped some clothes on and went over to the poor, ancient creature, carefully taking the letter from its claws.

''It's Harry's Quidditch game against Ravenclaw today, I remember clearly that you promised to come, so hurry over here as quickly as you can, okay?


The note was soon discarded on her desk as the girl began to frantically brush her hair and find a non-broken pair of shoes ('Merlin, these soles wear down quickly!'), all while trying to scribble a reply note. Amorita, sensing her owner's mood, joined in on the frantic rush and promptly started madly clawing at things, including the hem of (Y/N)'s already slightly worse for wear looking trousers. After managing to send her very haughty owl off with a note, she hastily picked up her kneazle and exclaimed, ''you can come as long as you promise not to attack anyone, okay?'' the creature appeared to nod, albeit annoyedly, and stayed firmly on her owner's shoulder throughout the palaver. In what felt like seconds later, she was out of the door with Amorita hanging on to her fluffy jumper for dear life. The two sped out of the dormitory before Pansy could even yell a derogatory comment about how terrible her jumper looked. The now very tired, absolutely exhausted from running (Y/N) practically fell into the stands next to a rather annoyed looking Ron. ''Hey, uh, what's—'' he practically growled at Amorita, hissing darkly, ''You know I have trouble with Hermione's stupid cat, so why did you bring yours?'' As if answering his question herself, Amorita jumped from (Y/N)'s shoulder and onto Ron's lap, quickly falling asleep. (Y/N) shrugged, replying, ''She recognises names, see, and she likes you.'' Ron wasn't convinced at all, saying shortly, ''Of course she is. Just don't let it attack—'' wanting to prove that she was telling the truth, she muttered under her breath, ''Pansy Parkinson, Amorita.'' The creature began to hiss violently, baring her claws at the Quidditch pitch, looking for the girl she so desperately wanted to maul to death. Ron looked completely bemused, but he believed (Y/N) now. ''Okay, fine. But I'm still not comfortable with this—'' (Y/N) sighed lightly, focusing on the arena. ''Shh, the match is going to start soon.'' Seconds later, the captains and Madam Hooch made their way onto the pitch, and the two captains shook hands. Having never actually watched a Quidditch game before (not properly, at least), she was a little bewildered by the loud atmosphere and incessant commentary about the Firebolt being the best broom ever (even if Professor McGonagall told Lee Jordan more than once to be quiet about the broomstick), but watching Harry in his element truly was a sight to see. Gryffindor was winning for the best part of the match, even though she heard nothing about this from the commentary (all there was on offer there was adverts for the Firebolt), the sheer exhilaration coming off of the team was extraordinary. A great cheer went up from the Gryffindor stands as Harry neared the Snitch, with Ravenclaw's seeker, Cho Chang, hanging behind; but Harry was veered off course by one of the Ravenclaw beaters, much to their excitement. Seconds later, Gryffindor was leading eighty to zero, and then eighty to thirty, and then...Three hooded figures wafted onto the pitch. Dementors.(Y/N) rushed to the front of the stand, only stopped from falling straight off of it by Ron just grabbing her jumper in time. She was too busy falling back to see exactly what happened, but she heard Harry cast the Patronus charm. Moments later, there was a whistle, and a lot of cheering from the Gryffindor team.

Harry had caught the snitch!

She wasn't quite able to make everything out, but she saw the team congratulating him, Hagrid, and...Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy and what appeared to be the Slytherin team captain crawling out of their hooded robes and getting yelled at by Professor McGonagall. (Y/N) went scarlet with shame, and almost screamed herself when she overheard 'fifty points from Slytherin'. Ron swiftly pulled (Y/N) from her spot of scarlet shame to squeeze their way over to Harry so they could congratulate him too. She made a point of glaring as evilly as she could at Malfoy as he tried to trail off with his stupid friends, but chuckled a little as he struggled to get out of the robe. The Weasley twins fought their way over too, and George announced that there was to be a party in the Gryffindor common room to celebrate. Ron looked quickly over at (Y/N), mumbling apologetically, ''I promise I'll save you something, okay?'' (Y/N) nodded, smiling at her friend as Amorita finally unhinged herself from him. ''You go and have fun, Ron; I'll be, uh...avoiding Malfoy and co.'' Ron rolled his eyes a little as he sped off to the castle with the Gryffindor group. The trip between the arena and the common room felt far too short; the atmosphere in there was suffocating and, well, rather childish. People were sulking around about Gryffindor's victory and a few even glared at (Y/N) for supporting them, but she managed to get to her dorm door unscathed; and then the bomb dropped. ''If it isn't (Y/N) Furball Weasley!'' exclaimed an excruciatingly annoying voice. A rather large foot tripped her up and then she was stuck on the cold floor, staring helplessly up at Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. She couldn't even do sarcasm in that moment. ''I was just watching it, Draco! And just because I'm friends with Ron—'' She fell silent under a glare from icy, blue-grey eyes. ''You truly are the worst person in this house, you know,'' he gestured for Crabbe and Goyle to nod, which they did, ''and I'd really prefer it if you left. We all would.'' A few nods and the odd yell came from around the room, and (Y/N) was left completely silent. For a moment. ''As...as if I care. This house is full of terrible, terrible people...'' She managed to stand up as she spoke, drawing her wand and holding it up at Draco to seem intimidating, instead of intimidated. Amorita began to circle her ankles, hissing wildly at everyone. ''No-one asked your opinion on us, furball.'' Noticing that she was edging towards her dorm room, he opened the door for her, pushing her and Amorita in as harshly as he could. ''Now stay there. Send a letter to your precious little ginger boyfriend or something.'' He slammed the door in her face. Amorita scratched wildly at it, hungry to absolutely destroy Draco until he was most definitely dead, but (Y/N) told her to stop, albeit unwillingly. She did end up writing a letter to Ron in the end. 

''Ron,I do wish I was a Gryffindor. Draco's being simply monstrous about me supporting you and, well, I've been pushed into my room and told to stay here. Is there any way for me to sneak into Gryffindor Tower...?


She sent her owl off again, waiting eagerly for a response. It came much faster than she'd expected, and came with a rather large bag of assorted sweets and a few mini bottles of butterbeer.

''(Y/N),Nope, probably not. Not with Black around at the moment, anyway; don't want to risk being the reason he kills someone, you know? But I thought you could have your own mini-party? Just don't let Malfoy take anything. This stuff is ours.


(Y/N) sighed, rather upset; she was excited about the prospect that she might have finally been able to meet Fred and George properly. But at least she had her own things now. She sat on her bed for hours by herself, reading, sending letters back to Ron and eating sweets until she felt sick. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best night one could have in a place you weren't accepted. Outside her room, however, there was another situation. ''You were too scary looking, that's why she got all scared! She's usually able to argue with me! She even wins sometimes—'' Draco was trying desperately to convince himself that it was Crabbe and Goyle that made (Y/N) so uncharacteristically scared, not him. He felt completely torn between how the self he showed to others felt and how he truly felt; it was his utmost desire to run in and apologise to the girl, but that would ruin his entire image. He didn't want that; to be seen with (Y/N), the furball, the most awful person in all of Slytherin house...that would be a huge misdemeanour, hell, even a mistake. But she was a beautiful mistake.

If only he was brave enough to make her his beautiful mistake.

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