25: Sweet Tea and Curses

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''I'd wish you luck, Harry, but I don't think there's any to be had when Umbridge is involved.''

 (Y/N) laughed humourlessly.

 ''I could say the same to you,'' Harry paused, ''you believe me, don't you?''

''Of course I do!'' exclaimed (Y/N), as she climbed the stairs, hiding her fear. ''Thank you. I was beginning to think Luna was the only one who did...''

''Harry, you're going to get double detention if you don't get in there. The quicker the snake bites, the quicker the pain is gone.''

Harry sighed as he reached the top of the stairs, ''your metaphors make absolutely no sense.'' (Y/N) couldn't even bring herself to smile; she was worried for Harry and, this time, for herself, too.

All because she was laying partially on her desk...

Or was it because of Opal?

Perhaps even Opal's friend, Trixie? She had seen (Y/N) glare at Opal before, and if her house traits rung true to her personality...she would be nothing short of devoted to her friend.

Every thought she could think of as a possibility was swimming inside the huge fishbowl she called her head as she stood there, catching snippets of Harry and Umbridge's conversation. It sounded relatively pleasant, perhaps her time in there wouldn't be so bad...

And then Harry walked out.

He didn't say a word; but this in itself spoke volumes about what it was like.

(Y/N) prepared herself.

''Miss Silverlie, you can come in! Don't wait to be invited!'' said Umbridge, and she laughed that annoying laugh. (Y/N) shuffled in quietly, and sat down, saying nothing.

''Would you like some tea?''(Y/N) suddenly felt as if she was sitting opposite Opal again, on that faithful first year night.

''I...suppose so. If it isn't any trouble?''

(Y/N) mentally slapped herself.

'No, it wasn't supposed to come out that stupid and polite! You're supposed to be sly, and cunning; get her to let you leave!'

She watched silently as the tea was made, and she quietly said what she did and didn't want in it.

It felt like an exam.

''Professor, I...uh, lines? Do you want me to do them?'' 

And now she sounded like an absolute braindead loser. But Umbridge seemed to be completely unfazed. ''No, no, dear; this isn't a detention!'' she said, smiling.

Whatever this was, it was far beyond (Y/N)'s understanding; and she was honestly feeling extremely bewildered. ''Opal's dear friend Trixie has been telling me all about you, and about how you are a rather...troubled girl...'' 

(Y/N) could almost smell the lies Opal had been telling everyone.

''And I just wanted to apologise, on my niece's behalf, for her article.''

That sickly sweet laugh came again.

What in hell was going on?

''Um, thank you?'' said (Y/N), her confusion leeching into her tone. She sipped her tea as delicately as she could, and then she was handed something. 

''Opal told me to get this to you somehow; the poor angel's stuck in the Hospital Wing too often to do it herself, and I didn't want to inconvenience dear little Trixie...'' 

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