A Damn Good Hunter

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Where was it?

You could hear your phone ringing but you were having a little trouble finding it in the deep pits of the couch cushions. Finally you felt your fingers wrap around it and pulled it free. Hitting the green button you placed it by your ear.


"Y/N, its Jodie. How you been sweetie?"

You smiled, Jodie was one of the best friends you had and you loved her, "I'm good how are you and the girls doing? Claire keeping outta trouble?" You heard Jodie sigh and could imagine her shaking her head. "We're good but you know Claire, shes gonna do what she wants no matter how many gray hairs it gives me. Actually thats why I was calling. I tried the boys but didn't get an answer, I could use some help out here I think I've got a werewolf causing some trouble. Claires already working on another case down in Louisiana and Donnas busy with the department."

The thought of getting out of the bunker made you start running full force towards your room to pack. "Yeah the guys are on another hunt but I can be there by tonight, im sure we can handle it. I'll grab my bag and hit the road." While you were on the phone you began throwing everything you would need into your duffle bag and was just looking around to make sure you didn't forget anything.

"How come you didn't go with Sam and Dean?" Jodie asked.

"Cause Deans being a jerk, I got banged up on a hunt a few weeks ago and now he won't let me go with them anymore. He's too afraid I'll break or something. I tried to tell him I hunted before him and I was just fine. Getting your ass kicked from time to time comes with the territory."

"Okay, if your sure your feeling up to it I'd love the help. I'll see ya tonight and we can go over what I've got so far." From the sound of it you could tell Jodie was getting into her truck. The door always groaned when you opened it. "Sounds good I'm leaving now, be there soon. Bye Jodie." Hanging up you did one final mental checklist and began walking towards the main door. Stopping at the bottom of the staircase you wondered if you should leave a note or something. The guys had only left yesterday and the hunt was two states over so you doubted they would be back soon.

Sioux Falls was only around seven hours away from the bunker, you'd probably take care of the werewolf and get back before they even realized you were gone. Besides, Dean was being unreasonable. You were a damn good hunter and you weren't going to sit on the sidelines anymore. Taking the steps two at a time you made your way outside and to your 69 chevy camaro. Nothing compared to the Impala but your ride came pretty damn close. Just like Dean with Baby you took care of your car as if it were the most precious thing on this earth.

Sliding into the front seat and throwing your bag into the back you started up the engine and headed out towards the highway. You had plenty of practice with long drives so you automatically reached over to the passenger floorboard to grab one of your cassette tapes. Popping it in you grinned as AC/DC began blasting through the speakers. It felt great to be out and on your way to a hunt, not only were you excited to see Jodie but you realized how much you missed the feeling of being on the road.

Pulling up the driveway you saw Jodies truck parked in front of her garage. The porch light was on and as you closed your car door you saw the front door open and Jodie walked out, arms spread wide ready for a hug. "Hey kiddo." You hugged her tightly and pulled back smiling wide. "Hey Jodie, you ready to gank this bastard?" She laughed and put an arm around your shoulder, "How about first we eat something and I tell you what I know so far, deal?" Jodie was an awesome cook and your mouth automatically started to water at the mention of food, "Yeah I'm totally down for that."

Two hours and one full stomach later it sounded like Jodie really did have a werewolf on her hands. "So all four men had thier hearts ripped out while out alone at night? Were there any other clues around? Claw marks? Anything?" Jodie shook her head, "No, but the lunar cycle is right and aside from obvious self defense wounds the missing hearts were the only damage to the bodies."

Nodding your head you agreed, "Okay, do you have any leads on who it might be or where their staying?"

Getting up and walking over to grab her laptop she returned to the table and set it down in front of you. Bringing up a map of Sioux Falls she zoomed in on the western side of town. "So far as I can tell all the murders are hapening around this area. As for who the wolf is I don't know yet. I was hoping my lovely FBI friend might be able to dig around a bit and see what she can come up with." She smirked at you.

Leaning back and crossing your arms you smiled slyly, "Your in luck, I just so happen to be one of their best agents."

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