Gang Symbol

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A man in his late fifties looked up and smiled, "Good Afternoon Ma'am, names Aaron Wilson, how can I help you today?" Smiling you walked over and pulled out your badge, holding it up you flashed it for Aaron to see before putting it back into your pocket. "Agent Sterling with the FBI, I was hoping to ask you a few questions about your employee Earl Hodgins." Aarons face fell and he leaned back against the shelf behind him, "Earl was a good man, great worker. He was always willing to work long days to help out when it gets busy here. His family's devastated. Does the FBI have any idea what happened? I thought maybe an animal attacked him from the looks of him."

"So your the one who found the body?"

Nodding his head Aaron looked down at the floor, "I'll never forget it, there was blood everywhere, and his chest, it looked like someone had taken a can opener to him." Wincing slightly you crossed your arms over your chest, "Mr. Wilson do you know if Earl had any enemies? Someone he didn't get along with maybe? Or held a grudge against him?"

Tilting his head to the side he shook his head, "No, like I said Earl was a really good guy. Everybody loved him," suddenly his eyes flashed as though he remembered something. Looking up you saw the nervousness in his eyes, "Although, there was an old friend of his, can't remember the name. But he came by one day not long ago. Gruff lookin fellow, walked right up to Earl and pushed him. I started walking over to check out what was going on when Earl just looked over and waved me off, said he was an old friend just messing around. After that he led him outside and they talked for a few minutes before Earl came back in. Looked slightly shaken but otherwise fine."

Smiling again at the kind man you pulled a card from your pocket, "Thank you so much, if you remember anything else please give me a call." He nodded and slid the card into his apron and waved goodbye. As soon as you walked outside and turned to head back towards the police department your phone rang. Taking it out you saw Deans name. A sliver of guilt made your stomach flutter as you answered it trying to sound normal, "Hey Dean, you guys take care of the wicked witch?"

Deans gruff voice came across the phone making your heart stop, "Mind telling me what your doing in Sioux Falls Y/N." 

Thirty Minutes Earlier

Shooting the witch twice in the heart Dean breathed a sigh of relief as he watched her take a final breath and fall to the floor. Sam stood up from the floor in the corner, groaning and holding his head. "Dude you took your time didn't you." Dean grinned, "I was giving you time to man up and take her out, not my fault your a little slow on the trigger today."

Sam glared at his brother, "Jerk."


A few minutes later the boys were heading down the road in the impala. Sam was checking his phone to see if you had called or texted. "Dean has Y/N called you or anything?" Pulling out his phone Dean looked at the screen, "No, why?" Sam shook his head and set his phone down on the seat, "Nothing, its just weird she hasn't called or texted us today, usually she's so bored she sends us a hundred texts." Dean thought about it for a moment, "She's probably just asleep or watching a movie or something. She seemed fine when you talked to her a while ago right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah she sounded great, I asked what she was doing and she just said she was out." Dean looked over at his brother, "Out? What do you mean out?"

"I don't know she just said out, I could hear cars driving by in the background."

Dean narrowed his eyes as he stared at the road, he had been feeling guilty about benching you but couldn't fight the need to keep you safe. He knew how dangerous hunting was and he knew you could handle it. But watching that shapeshifter shift into Dean and almost beat you to death had affected him more than he let on. Although he'd never said it he loved you with everything he had and he was determined to keep you safe.

Just then Sam's phone rang, picking it up he chuckled as he saw the caller ID. Holding it up for Dean to see he saw Dean roll his eyes as he answered. "Hey Garth what's up?"

"Sam! Good to hear you man, how's things with you and big brother? You guys still playin nice or do I need to come knock some sense into you idgits?"

Smiling Sam looked out the window, "We're good Garth, did you need something?"

"Oh no I was just getting back to Y/N about that mark she was asking about for your werewolf case." At that Sam's head snapped forward and his face scrunched up in confusion. He motioned Dean to pull over and put the phone on speaker. "Say that again Garth?"

"I found some information about the mark Y/N said was on your werewolfs victims I thought she'd want to know. Is she there?" Sam and Dean looked at one another, Dean finally spoke up. "No man she actually stepped out for a minute, but you can tell us everything and we'll let her know."

Garth began by telling the boys the mark was sort of like a gang symbol, but for a werewolf pack. The symbol was associated with a pack know as the Night Howlers and it was known to be a pretty large group. "I don't know why the pack is killing its own members, but whatever you guys do be careful. I heard these guys can be dangerous. And tell Jodie she needs to call more, I love hearing from her how Alex and Claire are doing!" Sam quickly thanked Garth and hung up.

Dean stared out the windshield, not knowing what to say. "So Y/N is hunting a werewolf?" Sam pulled out his laptop and fired it up, magically having wifi of course. Quickly typing in cases in Sioux Falls he read through a summary of the murders. "Dude there have been four murders in the past week. All had their hearts ripped out. I guess she's with Jodie."

Putting the car in drive Dean pulled out onto the road, heading straight for South Dakota.

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