Nice Night For a Drive

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As the truck pulled into Jodie's driveway you instantly felt nervous, parked right behind your car was the black beauty herself. And leaned against the trunk were Sam and Dean. Parking, Jodie looked over at you as she shut off the engine, "Stay strong honey, they just care about you." You nodded and climbed out. Walking around the back you shoved your hands in your pockets and stopped a few feet away, looking at the ground like a kid who was caught past curfew.

Jodie closed her door and immediately made her way to the boys, hugging each of them. "Its good to see you boys, you really should come by more often." Sam smiled and nodded, "Yeah we definitely need to, how the girls been?" Jodie began walking towards the front door, everyone following behind. "Oh you know, Alex is still taking classes and working at the hospital, Claire's still raising hell, same old stuff different day."

She took off her jacket and turned to face the crowd in her living room, "Well I believe this calls for some dinner, I'll get started. You guys make your self comfortable." Looking up you asked if she needed any help but Jodie told you she was fine, she knew you were just trying to avoid the inevitable.

Once Jodie was gone you sat down on the couch and waited for the storm. Sam and Dean exchanged looks and crossed their arms, standing across the coffee table from you. Sam cleared his throat, "Y/N, why did you lie to us?" Looking up your eyes narrowed, "Technically I never lied, I told you I went out."

Dean scoffed, "Yeah bit of a stretch there, going out means going to the store. You hit the road and went off on a hunt in another state! What do you think would have happened if Sammy and I had come home and you weren't there. We'd have been worried sick about you! All because you got bored!" Sam shot Dean a look, clearly not agreeing with his brothers statement.

"What Dean meant to say, is we care about you. We just want to be there for you and have your back. If you really wanted to hunt so badly you could have went with us." Not being able to contain your anger anymore you stood up throwing your arms in the air. "Are you freaking kidding me! I tried that! For weeks now you guys have shut me down. Especially you Dean! I get a little banged up on a hunt and all of a sudden you think I'm made of glass? I'm a hunter dammit, I can't just stay at home and wait around for you guys to show up or worry that your not coming back!"

Dean had the decency to look guilty for a moment, but that changed quickly back to frustration. "Then you know exactly how we would feel if something happened to you. If something happened on this hunt we wouldn't have known until it was too late! Yeah Jodie's here but come on Y/N, with the pack your dealing with you know better than to take on a hunt like this without more help. Its like you want to get hurt! Or worse you just feel the need to be validated as a good hunter and your willing to risk the lives of our friends to do it! How could you be so stupid?!"

You stood there, shock showing on your face. Sam had the same expression and just stared at Dean. Even Dean seemed to realize what he had said a moment later. You saw the frustration in his eyes change to regret but before he could utter a word you walked across the living room towards the door.

Sam tried to stop you, "Y/N wait, don't leave!"

Not even turning around you continued out the door, "Don't worry Sam, I'm just trying to save you from my "stupid" decisions." With that you slammed the door and walked away. Realizing the impala was blocking you in you growled in frustration and brought your hands up behind your head. Breathing deeply you decided to walk it off. 

Dean was being an ass, you knew he didn't really think you were stupid. But it still hurt all the same to hear him say something like that. Of course you didn't need to be validated, you were freakin Y/F/N Y/L/N, you were a badass hunter.

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