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Sporting your black pencil skirt, white blouse and black blazer you finished touching up your eye makeup and stood up straight. Whenever you wore this outfit you felt powerful, not to mention sexy as hell. Grabbing your "badge" you walked out to the kitchen where Jodie was waiting in her sheriffs uniform with a cup of coffee all ready to go. "Alright, you may want to drive separate I'm not sure exactly how today will go." Nodding you grab the cup of caffinated goodness and your keys.

Ten minutes later you both pulled into the small sheriffs departments parking lot. Opening your door you went to step out when your phone rang, looking down you saw Sams name. Wincing slightly you knew you had to answer it. "Hey Sam, whats up?"

"Hey Y/N, just wanted to call and check in. Dean and I think we've finally figured out who the witch is and we're on our way to take her out now." You finished standing up and closed your car door. "Thats great Sam, please be careful though. The last witch you hunted didn't go down so easy, it took me three days to figure out how to get rid of the moose antlers on your head." You smiled thinking back to the day Sam walked through the door sideways in order to not hit his new antlers, you'd fallen off the couch because you were laughing so hard.

Sam huffed and you mentionally watched him roll his eyes, "Yeah I remember, we'll be fine. What are you doing, I can hear cars driving by." By now Jodie had walked over to you and was standing beside you, "Oh nothing just went out for awhile. I was starting to get cabin fever." Jodie raised an eyebrow at the statement but stayed silent.

"Oh, yeah I guess it does get kind of boring in the bunker. Have fun whatever your doing and I'll try to call later on. By the way Dean says hi." You smiled, "Tell Dean Hi and be safe for me, bye Sam." Hanging up you put the phone in your pocket and began walking towards the big brick building. "I'm getting the sense you didn't tell the boys your on a hunt." Sighing you looked at your friend sideways, "It's no big deal, I'll probably be home before them anyway. Besides, I'm a grown woman, I can take care of myself."

Jodie shrugged and grabbed the door handle, holding it open for you, "I get it, I just hope they don't find out and freak out. You know how worried thier gonna be if they get home and your not there." You were saved from replying because you reached the front desk and had to sign in. After everything was cleared you followed Jodie into her office and looked at the suspect board she had created. "Down to business, so far as everyone here knows I am just looking for a derranged serial killer. But we know what we're really up against. Everything I have is here, let me know if anything jumps out at you. I've got to handle a few other issues and I'll be back to help."

You took off your blazer and nodded even though you never took your eyes off the board. Rolling up your sleeves you began looking at the photos of the crime scenes, maps, and notes taped up. After an hour had passed and Jodie had returned something caught your attention in a report filed after the third murder. You had been sitting at a small table in the corner of the office chewing on a pen cap and reading over the report quietly. Spitting out the cap you stood up and walked over to Jodie.

"Did you ever notice the tattoo the men all share?" Holding the photo from the report you pointed to the mans ankle, his pants leg had ridden up just enough to show half of a marking there. You reached over and grabbed another photo, this one of the first victim. His tattoo was on his forearm. Jodie studied both photos and shook her head, "No I didn't, I guess since they were in different areas I never thought twice about the ink these guys were sporting. All four men have the same mark?"

"Yeah, the second one had it on his chest and the fourth had it on his shoulder blade. I feel like I've seen this before but I'm not sure where." Your forehead crinkled as you thought hard trying to remember why it looked so familiar. Deciding to call an expert you pulled out your phone, scrolling through the contacts you found the one you needed and hit call.

It only rang twice before the voice of your favorite dorky hunter came through. "Y/N! Hows my favorite huntress?" You smiled, "I'm good Garth, how are you? Slayed any big bads lately?" You heard him chuckle, "Actually just got done taking out a nasty demon the other day, she was terrorizing a small town in washington state. Now I'm taking some much needed Garth time and hanging out in a hot tub. You know how much I love bubbles!"

At this you laughed out loud, earning a look and small smile from Jodie. "Garth have I ever told you your my favorite dork?"

"Only every time we talk honey, now what can your favorite dork do for you?"

Smiling you made sure the office door was closed and put the phone on speaker, "I'm on a hunt in Sioux Falls and was wondering if you could tell me what a certain symbol means. I think our guys a werewolf and all of his victims have the same tattoo."

"Sure thing! Send me a pic and I'll see what I can do." Garth mumbled, you were almost a hundred percent sure he was eating. "Thanks Garth, your the best! Get back to me soon as you can!"

"Will do, bye Y/N! Tell the guys hey for me!"

Jodie shook her head and leaned back in her seat, "He never ceases to amaze me, nothing fazes that man. I'm almost kind of envious of his ability to stay so positive." You agreed, thats one of the reasons you loved Garth so much, no matter how dark things got, he always said there wasn't any time to dwell on the bad when there was so much good going on everywhere else.

You snapped a picture of the mark and texted it to him. Looking up at the clock on the wall you reached for your blazer, "While we wait how about some lunch? I'm starving." Jodie agreed and you both left to go to a diner about two blocks away. You never got tired of diners, no matter how many hundreds you had eaten in over your lifetime you always found them comforting. "Afternoon Sheriff!" The man behind the counter said as you both walked in. "Usual table?" Jodie smiled and nodded, "Yeah Al that'd be great, this is my associate Agent Sterling from the FBI. Shes helping me on a local case."

Al nodded politely and brought you both menus as you sat at a booth in the corner. Looking over everything your mouth began to water, really your relationship with food was what most would call unhealthy. Not because pretty much everything you ate was bad for you, which it usually was, but food was always there for you. You'd actually been a rather large child and it wasn't until you started hunting in college that you finally got your weight under control. You found a happy medium, hunting plus regularly working out when you could meant you could eat all the burgers and pie you wanted.

Sam liked to tease you sometimes about it, he'd always call you the female version of Dean cause you were the only one he'd ever seen eat as much as Dean and get so excited about food. That was one of the things you had in common with Dean. There had been many a contest over the past few years to see who could eat a whole pie the quickest, or even who could eat the most burgers.

When he wasn't being a jerk Dean actually was one of the few people you felt completely comfortable around. You'd had the biggest crush on him since you met but knew he only thought of you as a friend. At first it bothered you every time he went home with a random girl he picked up, but now you understood he was just being Dean. If he wasn't the goofball ladies man you knew him to be he wouldn't be himself. Lately you had decided you'd find someone one day who loved you and made you happy, until then you were okay waiting for the right guy.

Using the time to catch up and reminise about old memories the time passed by quickly. Jodie received a call from the department that she was needed back at the office to take care of a problem with a local car thief. You decided while she headed back you were going to walk over to the local hardware store. The second murder occurred behind it when the victim had been taking some trash out to the dumpster. Letting Jodie know where you were headed you took off down the sidewalk.

As you walked you couldn't help noticing how beautiful of a town it was, cherry blossom trees lined the sidewalk, the cute store fronts lining the block, and the many happy people just walking around. The thought of the werewolf attacking someone in this town made you angry and you decided you had to stop him before another person died. Coming up to a store front marked Wilson & Son Hardware you walked inside, a small bell ringing to signal your arrival.

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