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"Y/N? Hello you there?" Deans voice carried through the phone.

Sighing you began walking down the sidewalk, "Yeah Dean I'm here. How the hell did you know where I was? Did you check my GPS? Cause if you did that's a total dick move."

"No your best friend Garth called to give you some information about a mark on your victims. He assumed you were hunting with us and called Sam. What the hell were you thinking going on a hunt alone?!"

You huffed, "I'm not alone, Jodie's here. She called asking for help and since you think treating me like a baby is okay I decided since I'm actually a grown ass woman I can very well do what I please. So yes I am in Sioux Falls helping Jodie with a hunt. I've got it covered Dean you just keep to your case and I'll take care of mine, deal?"

You heard Dean growl and rolled your eyes, "Y/N we are on our way. Don't do anything until we get there okay? We're only about six hours away. Garth said the mark you found on the vics is the symbol for a pack known as the Night Howlers. He sounded like they were pretty tough bastards. Wait for me and Sammy to get there and we'll help." Feeling nervous after hearing about the pack you pushed it aside, "Dean, I'm not a helpless porcelain doll. I was a hunter before I ever met you and your brother. I can handle this."

"Dammit Y/N! Would you just listen to me for a minute! Your gonna get hurt and I'm gonna have to piece you back together again when you do. Would you just use your brain for five minutes and be reasonable!"

You felt like you'd been slapped in the face, "Wow Dean, I didn't realize I was such a burden to you. Don't worry, if I need to be pieced back together I'm sure I'll figure something out."

"Y/N I'm sorry I..."


Pushing the end call icon you realized how much you missed old phones, the old landline ones that actually gave you the satisfaction of slamming it when you hung up. Picking up the pace you made your way back to the department and into Jodie's office. Face red and posture tensed Jodie immediately knew something was wrong. "Uh oh, what happened?"

You gave her a recap of your conversation with Dean. "Well, I hate to say I told ya so but you really should have told them you left. But aside from that, I think he might be right. From the way this sounds we may need help if this is a pack and not just one man." Sighing you sat down and slumped in the chair, "I was really hoping you wouldn't say that." Jodie shot you a small smile of understanding, "Honey, you do realize why Deans acting the way he is right? Why you and him keep butting heads?" Jodie sighed when you just grunted that you heard her, "Y/N the man cares about you. More than you realize, he just doesn't want to see you get hurt. From what you told me about the shapeshifter case I imagine that messed him up, he watched someone who looked like him almost beat you to death."

Remembering that night you couldn't help but feel guilty, the shifter Dean had tricked you and before you had time to react he was attacking you. You put up a good fight but he was still able to get in a few good licks before the guys showed up and shot him. The look on Deans face when he ran in that room to see you fighting himself almost broke your heart.

Shaking your head you looked at Jodie, "He's still an ass, come on lets do some more digging. Something about this case isn't adding up right." Spending the next three hours researching some more and going back over the reports you asked Jodie if they had any files on local gangs. Figuring the pack was as big as it was made out to be someone had to have noticed a large group of people around town. Jodie left to check in the back office while you continued to read.

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