New Life

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The feeling of being dragged slowly brought you out of unconciousness, you could feel arms under yours and felt your shoes catching on dips in the pavement. Suddenly you were dropped, a groan escaping your mouth. Fuck this hurts. It felt like you had been run over by a train, close enough since it looked like a little piece of crap Hyundai when he threw you in it. Opeing your eyes you took in your surroundings. It was an alley, weirdly enough it seemed to be the alley behind the hardware store you were in earlier.

Which meant this is where Earl was murdered. Slowly sitting up you looked around, your eyes slid to the figure standing to your left. Arms crossed and rage filled eyes trained on you. He started circling, "So, your a hunter. I figured eventually one would turn up, just figured they'd assume it was a werewolf since I took the hearts. Was really hoping they would take out one or two of the bastards too. But no, from what I saw earlier your real friendly with the strays. Had drinks with the alpha and everything."

Bringing your hand up to the back of your head you felt a lump there, that was definitely not good. You hoped you didn't have a concussion. "Dude, what the hell is your problem, you know hitting people with your crappy car and then kidnapping them is hella rude right?"

Anton stopped and stared at you, "You got a set on you girl, thats for sure. In my day being a smartass got you killed. Guess things haven't changed all that much." You shot him your best bitch face and slowly stood up. "Alright grandpa, you want me? Bring it on, I aint going down without a fight." Shaking your head slightly to clear it you held up both fists and assumed a steady stance. Anton grinned at you, "I was actually just gonna kill you straight off. But don't worry, I'll make it quick." As he said this he pulled out a gun and pointed it in your direction.

You dropped your hands and froze, you knew how this ended. No one knew where you were and no one could get here in time to stop it. Your only regret was letting your last memory with the guys being your stupid fight. Tears prickled at your eyes but you refused to let them fall. Sniffing, you looked down and closed your eyes for a moment. Making up your mind you stood tall and looked Anton in the eye. "Go ahead, pull the trigger. It's not gonna bring your family back. And it sure as hell ain't gonna make you feel better. But by all means, do it." Uncertainty passed over his face and for a moment you thought he might not go through with it.

Slightly dropping the gun he tilted his head to look at you, "You know your right, it's not going to change anything and it's never going to cure the pain I feel everyday." Hope filled your body and you took a step back, Anton looked up and raised the gun back towards you, "But why not rid the world of another monster lover anyway."

Your eyes widened as he pulled the trigger, instinct took over and you dove to your right beside a dumpster. He fired off two more shots in your direction. "Come on out, I'll make it quick at least. And I'll even give you a hunters funeral. You seem like a great hunter but I just can't have you snooping around in my business." As he spoke he made his way over to the dumpster you were hiding behind. You were trying to control your breathing as you held your right hand over the top of your left arm, he had actually gotten you with the first round. Luckily it seemed to go through and you were pretty sure nothing major was hit. But it still hurt like a bitch.

Looking around you tried to find something you could use as a weapon. Nothing really stood out and then you remembered the knife you kept in your boot. Pulling it out you held it tightly and decided you weren't going to be a sitting duck. You may have brought a knife to a gun fight but dammit if this was how you went out you were going swinging.

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