Dog Days

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   I woke up early in the morning only a few strands of light broke through my curtains. My head was still throbbing, but I have work to do no time for a mere headache. I lied in bed for a moment and decided it best to try and clean up. With effort I went into my bathroom trying to prepare myself for the blinding light. "You got it." I psyched myself up as I  flipped the switch covering my eyes. Once they got slightly adjusted to the light I could see myself in the mirror. It was at times like this I was sure as hell glad I was a Fable. 

   My face was swollen and bruised primarily on my cheeks. There was also a bandage wrapped around my head most likely for the cut from the table. "Well, don't I look like a sexy beast this morning." I remarked looking over my face. It wasn't the worse I've had plus it was Jack after all the only advantage he had was slamming my head into shit. I gently cleaned away at my face and did what else I needed. 

    I walked into the living room which the blinds as well were closed only a tad of light was visible. Bigby wasn't here anymore but I'm glad he remembered the lights. I looked over to see TJ's collection still there. "I hope they're still there." I hurried my way over to the frame and felt behind it. His letters weren't there. There was a slight panic that filled me as I searched the living room and couldn't find them. "Shit really?" I thought to myself as to why anyone would take them. 

   I went into the kitchen and flipped on the light to see on the counter a stack of papers. My heart lightened as I recognized the colors of the paper which TJ used. As I looked over there was another note on top. 

   "I found these on the floor I figured you still want to keep them. Sorry I couldn't stay longer I went to question Jack. Make sure to rest up I'll leave you alone for today you need it. - B"

   I laughed slightly at the end of the letter. "You really think I'm gonna lay around all day just for a bump on the head?" I got myself something to eat along with a bunch of painkillers. I then got myself dressed and tried to cover up some of the swelling with makeup... not that I'm good at it or anything.

   As I was about to walk out the door I had a thought popped into my head. "I wonder if this was just an act of desperation? Just because of Rose?" With that I finally left my home. The lights in the hall were blinding at first my eyes began to water slightly. "Fuck this!" I wiped my eyes and went back inside. I came back out after grabbing what I needed. "I'm either going to look like an idiot or an abused housewife with these sunglasses." I thought to myself as I went down the elevator to the cell in which Jack should be in. 

   "Why'd you do it, Jack?" I heard from down the eerie hallway. The voice I knew belonged to a very pissed off wolf. "I'm not saying shit!" Jack yelled. I stopped in my tracks for a moment something seemed off here. Jack wasn't going to make some shit up or admit especially to Bigby? I continued my way in until I saw Bigby walk out rubbing his face. "I think you're the one who needs the rest Sheriff." I looked to him as he quickly looked up to me. "I told you to rest and take the day off." He mentioned as he stood there. "I kinda figured that I'd be fine. If you can be turned into swiss cheese and go to work the next day I figured I could." I remarked as he couldn't really argue. 

   "I think I might have an idea why this happened." I told Bigby as I looked towards the holding cell Jack was in. "What's that cause he's not saying anything." Bigby sighed. "It's probably to do with some type of desperation." Bigby seemed confused but agreed. "With the whole remembrance ball and then Rose Red how she galavanted around with Bluebeard the whole night." Bigby puzzled together. "Exactly. But doesn't something seem off to you?" I had an unsure feeling. "I thought I was the only one." He mentioned. "Do you want to see him?" He asked me. "Yeah, I just need to put somethings together." I answered as he opened the door. 

   Jack looked up to me from the floor. "Maya?" He was shocked. "We need to have a nice discussion." I smiled at him. He seemed distressed at this point. "You're fuckin' lucky Bigby didn't tear you apart and he didn't let Bluebeard have his fun with you. Oh. But he's having all his fun with your lady isn't he?" I mocked as he kept getting angrier. "Shut up!" He yelled at me. "You might want to watch it there. I don't mind finishing where we left off last night." Jack seemed more frustrated. "Jack, was this all just because of Rose?" I asked him. "Why would you think that?" He avoided my question. "It's obvious that it is. Every other time I've turned you down you weren't so psycho about it." I pushed deeper. He didn't have anything to say. Jack seemed upset more than anything he looked to the floor, "Yeah..." He admitted. "So it's because of the break up and her with someone else?" I tried to conclude. "I... I've missed her. I wanted to make her jealous that's why I asked you and when you said no I snapped a bit." He further explained. "That's all I needed." I told him as I began to walk out. "What do you mean? That's it?" He  complained as I walked into the hallway where Bigby was. 

   "So what's new?" Bigby asked me. 

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