Shy Dog

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   It had been a couple days since I had seen Bigby. Primarily he was stuck in the office or the dungeon with Jack and I was in the business office trying to help out with some type of lead to Rose. The Remembrance Ball was tonight and I'm not too sure how to feel I've never been to it and I'm terrified that one way or another I'm going to look stupid.

   Most of all I'm nervous for Bigby accepting his award for helping out Fabletown. Hopefully he has his speech written down and planned out, he had refused to let me read it when I did have a chance to talk to him.

   I had a stack of files in my arms and was on my way to put them back into the business office. Bufkin as usual was drunk off his ass, so putting away these files was going to be even more fun. I continued down the hallway the files blocking my view as I reached the door someone ran into me knocking the few top papers everywhere. "Shit." I moaned. "Sorry, I wasn't looking." A familiar voice spoke. I turned to see it was Bigby who was now cleaning up the papers. "It's alright thanks for grabbing them." I mentioned as he placed the few back into the stack.

   "You ready for tonight?" I asked him. He seemed slightly nervous, "Feel like I'm gonna mess this all up." He admitted rubbing the back of his neck looking elsewhere. "Bigby, you're gonna do great. It's finally time this town gave you some positive attention." I looked at him and he seemed to smile lightly.

   I went into the business office as Bigby went to his. I stood there in the aisle staring up to where I needed to put the files. "Where the shit is a stool when you need one?" I looked around for a moment and thought maybe it's in a different section. I looked around and yet to no avail.


   Something went flying over my head. "What!?" I looked over to see a tumbling Bufkin on the ground. "Do we need to get you some landing signals or something cause you nearly crashed into me." I scolded him crossing my arms. His dark eyes met with mine in a pleading manner as he shyly smiled. "Sorry, Ms. Hayes, not entirely sober yet." He chuckled. "Well you're sober enough to help me out since I can't find a damn stool or ladder in this place." I walked past him as he followed behind me like a small child.

   We worked on organizing the files for a while together. I thought about asking Bufkin about Salem maybe he would know, but maybe at a better time. "Ms. Hayes you're attending the ball this evening yes?" Bufkin asked me. "Yes I am it'll be my first." I placed a paper into a folder. "Are you and Bigby going together?" He questioned implying something. I stopped and looked at him. "Are you implying something Bufkin?" I glared at him. "What!? No never." He stood shocked.

   "Did you ask her?" A voiced whispered from somewhere. It sounded like Boy Blue. "Bufkin?" My tone was irritated, "Spill it." I demanded as he gave me a guilty look and Boy Blue along with Fly came from around the corner. "We were all talking and we thought you two might be a thing you know, and like go together?" Blue confessed. I huffed a laugh. "You guys are worse than school girls talking about their crushes. And like I said no we aren't were strictly professional. He's basically my boss and partner." I finished my paper as the guys stood there awkwardly. "See you guys tonight." I waved them off and sauntered out of the room.

   It was about mid day and I went home to grab something to drink. I smiled to myself thinking about those guys talking about Bigby and myself like that. They can't mind their own business. Laughing I took a sip of some hot tea I made.

*knock knock*

   Someone was at my door and the knocks seemed to be gentle and weary. I set my mug down and opened the door on the chain lock. "Hey, could we talk?" Bigby looked at me through the crack. I closed the door and unlocked it and allowed him in shutting it behind us. "What's up? Do you want some tea I just made some?" I asked him gesturing over to the kettle. "Uh, I'll pass I'm going to be here for a moment so yeah." He seemed to stumble over what he was saying. "Bigby, you okay?" I asked grabbing his arm. He pulled away from me in a nice way and quickly stood up more alert. "You're freaking me out now. What's wrong?" I smiled a bit at his actions. "I was going over the case and uh I.." He trailed off rubbing his neck. " I need you to be my date for the ball tonight...since the culprit might be there. That is." He admitted fumbling over each sentence.

  I was taken aback for a moment why was he so nervous if it was just a business thing. "Yes, Bigby, anything to catch who killed Rose I'll definitely help." I spoke as he seemed relieved. "Okay, good I'll meet you here at 8 then." He grabbed the door handle and opened it revealing Blue, Fly and Bufkin who were eaves dropping. "Hey! Scram!" Bigby yelled at them and I honestly don't think I've seen anyone run as fast as they did. "I'll see you at 8, Wolf." I waved him off and he walked down the hallway.

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