Cryptic Pigs

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I had decided to go back to my apartment to change out of my attire. "God. There's a reason I don't wear heels." I moaned as I opened my door taking them off and placing them by the door. Walking into my apartment I reflected on what happened moments prior Bigby seemed to change just ever so slightly. I changed out of my dress and into more comfortable clothing which was basically just some sweats and a black sweater. After changing I decided to go back to our office and hang up Bigby's award.

The hallway was quiet as most people were at the party still despite the time. The only noises to be heard was the wood creaking beneath my feet and the building settling. As I approached the door there was no light signifying that Bigby must still be upstairs dealing with Rose's murder. In the office I had found a nice spot to place his award and hung it up just above where he keeps his cork board.

It's been awhile I assumed Bigby would be here by now. "Maybe the case is bigger than I thought?" I questioned looking at the clock it was nearing 3 a.m. sighing I stood up from my desk and decided it would be best to go to sleep as Bigby will most likely be exhausted.

Exiting the office I began walking through the eerie hall. All was still silent until I heard the elevator ding. Inside me I hoped it would be him but I shouldn't let this take ahold of me. "Maya, I need to talk to you." I turned my head to see Colin. "Uh, sure come over to my place." I said as we walked further down the hall to my apartment.

Entering my place Colin made himself at home. "I saw you and Bigby at the ball." He mentioned. "Yeah? What about it?" I crooked my brow at his remark. "I just don't want you getting caught up with him that's all." Colin's voice seemed genuinely invested which was off. "Colin, there is nothing going on and plus it's nothing of your concern." I replied as he got up and was getting ready to leave.

"All I'm saying is that both of you tend to find trouble. And both of you could get hurt. Even if one of you is fine the other has some shit that'll get on the both of you. Be careful." He spoke as he went to my door. "Is that supposed to be some cryptic ass message? Like I said there's nothing going on. Bigby and I we aren't and never will be a thing." I opened the door as Colin ignored me walking out.

"Since when did talking pigs become fortune tellers?" I spoke to myself as I got ready for bed. There still wasn't anything from Bigby no calls or anything. I climbed into bed and feel asleep.

It was somewhat early in the morning. I sat up a that gut wrenching feeling cane over me. I stumbled into my bathroom and threw up into the toilet... thankfully. Once my body calmed down I managed to plop myself by the toilet flushing it as I held my head down. "I hope today is gonna be a slow....quiet day." I stood up shaking the urge coming back.

I leaned over my toilet as I heard a knock on the front door. "Should I yell or pretend I'm dead. It's not pretending if I feel like death is it?" I thought as I heard the door open itself.

A gentle knock came through the door. I crawled over opening it as I schooched back not even bothering to see who it was. "Ms. Hayes, Mr. Wolf wanted me to tell you to report to the office when you can. But I can give you a debrief as he caught the killer who was Rose Red and Jack. They planned to make it look like a suicide...." Boy Blue continued as I stopped him. I placed my hand on my forehead, "Wait, wait... God... Uh so the jackass planned a suicide for what exactly? Don't answer that just give me like ten minutes." I rubbed my face and stuff up. "Well he's in the lobby with Ms. White at the moment..." He furthered. "I'll just meet him in the office Blue. See ya around okay." I mentioned as he left my apartment. Once he left I tried getting rid of my lingering hangover and walked out of my place.

I sat in our office as I had seen a file on both Rose and Jack sitting on Bigby's desk. As I read through they both tried pulling a fast one on Bluebeard and get some of his money by staging her death. "Dumbasses." I shook my head. "My thoughts exactly." I turned my head to see Bigby walking in a haze of smoke around him. "So, what is this mess. You've seemed to leave me in the dust on this case." I dropped the files on his desk.

"Well it's all in there. Just another quick cash schemes Jack tried pulling but asking with Rose. She'll be serving her punishment at the farm and Snow is attending with her. Jack he's doing some community service with Fly." Bigby puffed his cigarette. He seemed tired as the bags were more prominent than usual.

"Bigby, did you sleep at all last night?" I asked him changing the subject. "Yeah, not a lot though." He sat at his desk. "We have some paper work to fill out and organize, should get to it." He handed me half a stack.

I felt something change within the room. After last night things were different.

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