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I walk into the clearing, a few tail-lengths behind Firetrail, watching as the wolves within reacting to this strange wolf their Alpha seemed to be leading through their camp. Our camp. I mentally correct myself, knowing that it will be a while before my mind fully adjusts to the whole "pack" thing. I'm not on my own anymore. But is that a good thing or bad?  I shake my fur out slightly, before realizing that Firetrail is attempting to introduce me to someone.

"Snowfall! This is Paleleaf. She's the wolf who you saw earlier, near the clearing. Paleleaf, this is Snowfall. She's joining the pack." Firetrail says, glancing between myself and the other she-wolf, as though worried one would attack the other because of our earlier interaction. Neither of us moved, except to say "Hello again" to the other. 

Eventually, we move on from Paleleaf and Firetrail introduces me to each of my new pack mates, telling me the ranks of the higher few wolves, like the Beta, the Beta's mate, and the Gamma. He shows me where I would be sleeping, tells me about my duties as a low-ranking wolf (I'm just above the Omega, so I have the second worst jobs, and the worst if the Omega can't perform them), then leaves to do whatever it was that he had to do as Alpha. I noticed that he never introduced me to anyone as "my mate", so there must not be an Alpha female. Maybe she's out hunting or something. Or maybe she doesn't exist...

I shake out my pelt, knowing that, however much I might want it to go one way or the other, I can't change anything that was already in place. But I might be able to in the future... Who knows... If I rise in the ranks enough, who knows what might happen... I shake my head slightly, trying to get rid of the traitorous thoughts. No matter what happens, that won't be it, and you know that, so get over it already. 

I notice Paleleaf looking at me from across the camp, contempt scrawled across her face. I already have an enemy in the pack... Great job, Snow... I return the glare, barely holding in laughter from her reaction. I turn away and move to find out whatever I'm supposed to be doing as second lowest in my new pack's ranking. Eventually, I figure out that Paleleaf is a single tier above me within the pack. I almost laugh when I find this out. Really? She acts so high and mighty when I would only have to rise in the pack once to be above her? Overconfidence and haughtiness at its finest, apparently. Well, I'm honestly not that surprised. She fits the bill perfectly. But why would she hate me so vehemently? It's not like I attacked her or threatened her... Well, you can't have everything, I guess...

I finish up my various jobs quickly, then head to my sleeping spot  (it simply cannot be called a den), slipping into my low rank surprisingly easy. Well, it's not too different from before I went rogue... But it is... nicer... I shake my head slightly as I lay down, trying to get rid of the unwelcome memories, but they refuse to leave. As the memories overtake me, I curl in on myself, still feeling the pain of those long-ago wounds, not wanting to remember, but knowing its inevitability.

(Sorry if this chapter is kinda short, but I have the next chapter ready to go, so... See ya there!


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