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I wake up slowly, opening my eyes to the sight of Firetrail standing over me, the concern scrawled across his face being replaced with relief.

"Snowfall! You're awake! What happened? Did you pass out or something?" He asks, firing off question after question. I shake my head slightly, silent as I struggle to my feet. Firetrail, noticing the look in my eyes, uses his shoulder to help me get up, and I smile slightly at the contrast between his black-as-night fur, and my own fur, which is paler than snow. My smile turns to shock, however, when I notice the slight spots of grey tinting my paw, and relief washes over me when they disappear. Must've been a trick of the light or something, right? Yeah... that makes sense...

"I... I'm not really sure what happened... I just... I just kinda fell over and... fell asleep, I guess... Again, I have no clue what happened. How long was I out of it?" I ask, tilting my head to face Firetrail, who still has his shoulder beneath mine, keeping me upright and stopping my legs from collapsing beneath me once more.

"Not long. I was about to go get help, but then I saw you move and, a few moments later, you woke up. I was so worried!" He replies, and I can see the truthfulness in his eyes. Still concerned, he continues. "You really have no idea what happened?" I shake my head once more, though I stop after the first shake, spots dotting my vision. He leads me over to what seems to be his sleeping space before lowering me gently to the ground. Once I'm safely on the ground, he slips his shoulder out from beneath me.

"I think you should rest... Today's been kinda crazy, what with all the... stuff happening and then you passing out... If you want, I can bring you something small to eat, or I could stay here, or I could leave you alone. Whadd'ya want me to do?" He glances at me as he finishes, though he turns to face the entrance to the den. 

Should I ask him for some food? I haven't eaten a much today, so maybe... But do I want him to stay here afterward? I think I ought to have him stay... He is my... He is my mate, after all.

"I think I'll take the food, but could you stay after? At least until I can fall asleep again?" I ask, hoping my plea reaches my eyes. He smiles, and it's a soft smile that reaches his eyes. His muzzle moves, but slowly and barely.

"That's what I was hoping you'd say." With that, he leaves the den.

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this spree of chapters! I was kinda out of it for a bit there, but my mental river (or so I call it) for writing is back! There's been a bit of a drought lately, and I hate not being able to write as much as I want to. Well, see ya next chapter!


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