Chapter 1

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Jughead had walked back into the bar and the few people coming and going had secede leaving Betty alone, standing in the cold next to a bunch of bikes she didn't know the owners of.

She didn't move her footing, just her arms to guard her from the cold, in almost ten minutes. She felt the tears pricking at her eyes but she didn't wanna cry in the parking lot for the biggest gang hang out she knew of. She had to find a way home and she knew her mom and Jughead were no longer options.

She stood there thinking for a few minutes more when someone sauntered out of the doors. He was tall, dark haired, and had the signature tattoo on his neck proudly displayed for the world to see. She hadn't noticed him until he had come to stand right in front of her. She lifted her head to see his face looking right back at her but he wasn't looking at her eyes or mouth but just slightly lower. On any other day she'd make a show of it, yelling at him and all that, but right that moment she wasn't up for any of that.

He looked at her face a moment after she lifted her head and smirked, a slight smirk but a smirk none the less.

"Would you mind it much if I could make my way to my bike?" He said when she didn't move.

She bowed her head and mumbled a sorry moving over so he could reach his vehicle.

"So what's a girl like you doing standing alone outside of a notorious gang bar?" He looked her up and down before landing his eyes back on hers.

"Just waiting? What's someone like you doing here?" The minute it left her mouth she knew she'd fucked up. He was obviously there the same reason she was, the party.

His laughter filled parking lot. It was genuine and not forced. "Mostly cause I'm, you know, in the gang."

He said the last part like it was a secret but she knew it wasn't. That's when it hit her, he was a Serpent, he was at the party, he saw her dance, he'd have to be blind not to.

"So you saw what I did in there?" She didn't say it with a nervous tone but a flirtatious one.

"Indeed I did. I was impressed with your... Skill." He said with another smirk and sweep of her body with his eyes.

She knew he wanted her and she wanted a ride home, he had a way to do so. "Betty Cooper." She stuck out her hand to him. "And yours would be?"

"Sweetpea." He grabbed her hand looking straight into her eyes. "Nice to meet you Betty Cooper. I'd really like to get to know you."

"Well maybe that can be arranged." She wanted a ride but she really didn't wanna go home but if it was the only option she'd go with it. Although it seemed Sweetpea wouldn't mind taking her else where.

"Well where you headed maybe I could take you there." He'd let go of her hand by now but never left her eyes with his gaze.

"Well I was going home but if you have somewhere else..." She trailed off giving him an opportunity to take control of the situation.

"Hop on, I'm taking you for a ride." She did as he said not caring about her mother finding out, not caring about Jughead being just inside the building she stood out side of, she just cared about herself.

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