Chapter 6

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Snake Bites Chapter 5

Sweetpea texted her telling her to meet him at pops after school. Or to be more accurate after she got out because they both knew he never stayed the full day. She promised to be there as fast as she could and she kept up her promise.

She got there only fifteen minutes after school let out. She could see him in a booth facing the door but not really looking in her direction. He had on his jacket as always, arms spread behind himself on the booth. He looked just so effortlessly beautiful just sitting there.

"Can I sit?" She asked already moving into the seat.

"Do I get a choice?" He didn't say it in a mean way just being playful.

"Nope." She leaned on the table top interlocking her fingers. "What's up?"

"I have a surprise." He calmly stated. Betty's heart flipped, she didn't know why he was giving her a surprise but she couldn't deny the giddiness she felt.

"Why? What is it?" She was eager to find out why.

"You'll have to wait. First food." She sighed but was happy enough to get a shake and some fries while Sweetpea ate a burger. They weren't even her fries she kept stealing them off his plate but he never stopped her.

The food was gone, the shake was drained, and she still didn't know what the surprise was but she didn't care. They just sat and talked and it didn't matter anymore because she was happy with him. He was the surprise she cared about.

It was nearing sunset when Sweetpea stood up abruptly, walking to her side of the booth. He stuck his hand out wordlessly and pulled her along when she grabbed it.

He walked her outside but as soon as they stepped outside the doors he told her to close her eyes and she did as such.

Slowly he guided her to his bike and then let her stand for a moment while he rifled through something.

She couldn't stop smiling at his ridiculousness. He was putting in so much effort for something so small. She could tell he moved back to her but she had yet to put her hands down and open her eyes.

He laughed slightly before speaking. "You can open now."

She did so slowly. The first thing she noticed was he had a huge smile. She couldn't help but smile back even wider. Before she knew it he was moving his arms from behind his back and holding something out to her.

"Surprise." He sounded cocky but nervous all at the same time. Like he knew she'd want it but he wasn't sure how much.

She looked at his hands only to see black leather.

"Wha-?" She didn't get all of the words out before it hit her. "Is this? Sweetpea!" She grabbed the leather slinging it over her shoulders.

It fit perfectly. The jacket was absolutely perfect and she had an idea how he managed to make it so perfect for her. She just looked up into his eyes smile wider than the oceans. She leaped up wrapping her newly leather-clad arms around his neck.

"I figured you needed one since you're apart of the gang now." He held her back just breathing in her sent, listening to her laugh.

"I love it. How did you manage to get me one though? I'm not REALLY a part of the gang." He scoffed at her comment.

"The only person who doesn't think you're apart of the gang is Jughead and he's not in charge. Yet anyway." He whispered the last part to the ground. "Plus FP likes you a lot so he jumped at the idea to get you one for real." His smile was starting to match hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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