Chapter 3

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Snake bites chapter 3

Sweetpea got Betty's text on the way to the Whyte Wyrm that night. He stood in the parking lot next to his bike reading it over getting more pissed the farther he read. Jughead had no right to be spouting lies because he was mad at a girl. Sweetpea shoved the phone into his pocket storming into the bar slamming the doors into the walls beside them.

The bar seemed a lot more packed then he expected it to be. It was a weekday and most usually had some job to run or things to do. The extra people didn't stop him. A few more people wouldn't change how badly he wanted to punch Jughead.

"JONES! You better get your ass out here RIGHT NOW!" he screamed walking farther into the bar. He passed Toni asking him what was going on but just ignored her intent on pummeling that son of a bitch Jones.

A few people stepped out of his way leaving the fight to the two of them if the other could be found that is. He stopped for a moment looking around for Jughead but saw no sign of him. He felt a hand on his shoulder trying to turn him around but it was way too small to be Jughead's so he turned around easily.

"Sweetpea, what the hell? Calm down. He's not here right now, left on a job with his dad about an hour or so ago." Toni said softly. His features evened out slightly talking to her because he definitely wasn't mad at her. He was still antsy though.

"When is he getting back?" he asked not even looking at her face but focusing on the door.

"He's not. The job is gonna take most of the night so he's being sent home right after, protective dad." She was met with silence and more glares at nothing. "Well, are you going to tell me what this is about so I can help?"

"This is about that piece of shit minding his own business and keeping my name out of his mouth. Betty's too while we're at it. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." His fists kept clenching tighter and tighter as he spoke. His eyes never left the door as he spoke.

"What did he say? Sweetpea, what did he say?" Toni stared at his face hand still on his shoulder hoping to keep him from rampaging through town to find him.

"It doesn't matter." When he looked down at her he smiled. He took a few steps away from her reach and nodded towards the bar. "Wanna get me a drink?" He needed it. He didn't feel most of his earlier drinking due to the very minuscule bit he had. Plus he needed a distraction from Jughead.

He sat at the bar and drank with Toni for a while as she convinced him not to beat the shit out of Jughead the next time he saw him. He knew she was protecting him because of the weird friendship they have but she said some pretty reasonable things he couldn't argue with. There was no way he going to let him off either though.

Betty got a few texts from Sweetpea in the morning telling her he decided to not hospitalize Jughead and that he hoped she had a great day at school. She thought the last part was him trying to be funny but she found it cute either way. He seemed to actually care about her, liking both the Elizabeth Cooper she had to be by day and the Betty Cooper she could let herself be at night with the serpents. Being with him was the best she felt in years.

It was a quiet day at school, no real drama to be heard of. Just the normal whispering going around school about her and Sweetpea. In a small town once someone knew something everyone did. She didn't mind the whispers and the gossip too much. None of it was true anyway.

'She's pregnant'

'She cheated'

'She's only doing it to seem cooler and get in all the serpents pants'

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