Chapter 1: Mutual Killing {Brice}

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Brice jolted awake from a horrible nightmare. He dreamt that he was running from a serial killer. He looked around the room. "This isn't my room." He thought. He was in a classroom.

"Wait, wasn't I supposed to go to the Minecraft Academy today?" He stood up.

"Why don't I remember coming here?" He noticed the paper on the teacher's desk, picked it up, and read it.


Please make your way down to the gym."

Brice turned the paper around; there was directions to the gym on it.

He followed the directions to the gym and pushed open the doors.

"Hey look there's another!" Someone yelled.

The room was filled with 15 other students.

"Did you wake up in a classroom too?" A girl with dark brown hair and a navy blue and white flower asked.

"Yeah, what is this place?"

"Apparently, this is the Minecraft Academy." A girl wearing all black said.

"I was supposed to come here today."

"We all were." A guy with a black and green headset said.

All chatter was interrupted by someone tapping a microphone. "Hello, is this thing on?"

Everyone looked up on the stage. There was a man with completely white eyes standing on it. "Welcome to the Minecraft Academy! I am your principal, Herobrine."

"You're the principal?" A girl with blonde hair asked.

"That's right." He smiled.

"Wait, so when do our classes start? When do we get our schedules?" A guy in a checkered hoodie asked.

"I'm glad you asked. This is not a normal school. You 16 are not normal teenagers. Each of you has an ability, a Super Special Level. That's why you were chosen to attend this school. There are no classes, and only one person can graduate."

"What do you mean only one person can graduate?" A dragon hybrid asked.

"I'm glad you asked." His smile turned into a smirk. "To graduate from MCA, you must kill someone and get away with it!"

Shock filled the room. The same thought was in everyone's head. "I couldn't kill someone."

"The rules are simple. Food will be restocked daily. You all will survive here for the rest of your life. Unless someone doesn't want to spend their whole life here, and kills you, or you kill someone else! Basically, when a body is found, you will be given time to investigate. After the investigation, there will be a class trail. There, you will debate over who did it. If the killer is guessed correctly, they will be executed, painfully. If the killer is guessed incorrectly, everyone except the actual killer will be executed!"

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening." A guy in sorcery robes repeated.

"Do we have to kill each other now?" A bacca asked.

"No, I don't care if you smother them with a pillow or drown them in the bathtub. Just kill someone and don't get caught."

"What kind of school is this?!" A guy in the back yelled.

"A school of despair." With that, Herobrine vanished.

Everyone stood in silence, thinking about what was just said.

A girl with brown and blue hair went up to the kid in the sorcery robes. "Hey, get up. We'll be fine."

He looked up at her. "No, we're all gonna d-die here if we don't kill first."

"Who says we have to kill? We can figure a way out of here." The girl with the flower said.

"Yeah, we can all cooperate to escape." I smiled.

"B-but what if someone doesn't want to help?" The sorcerer asked.

"Then they will get chosen at the class trial, and eliminated." Flower girl said.

An awkward silence filled the room.

"Well, we should all probably introduce ourselves! I'm Tyler, Super Special Level Sky Warrior." A guy with big nerdy glasses said.

"VC, Super Special Level Poet." A girl with light brown hair, gray shirt, tan pants, and sneakers said.

"Seto, Super Special Level Socrerer."

"Gelly, Super Special Level Musician." The girl with brown hair and blue tips said. She was wearing a black and purple sweatshirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. She also had glasses like Tyler's and brown eyes like Seto.

"Ty, Super Special Level Computer Tech." The guy with the black and green headset said.

"MZ, Super Special Level Escape Artist." The girl with the flower said. She was wearing a yellow shirt with a pink stripe in the middle, navy blue jeans, and converse.

"Brice, Super Special Level Artist."

"Glimmer, Super Special Level Actress." A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said.

"Sky, Super Special Level Parkourist." A guy with a yellow and purple amulet and sunglasses said.

"Dragon, Super Special Level Flyer." The dragon hybrid said. She had golden brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes. She was wearing a yellow shirt that the sleeves were too long, black shorts, black sandals, and a shark tooth necklace.

"Andrew, Super Special Level Martial Artist." A guy with blonde hair and a golden crown said.

"Skye, Super Special Level Comedian." The girl wearing all black said. She had jet black hair and emerald eyes.

"Mitch, Super Special Level PVP." The guy in the checkered hoodie said.

"Em, Super Special Level Singer." A girl with brown wavy hair and green eyes said. She was wearing a blue and black checkered hoodie, blue jeans, and tennis shoes.

"Jerome, Super Special Level Bacca."

"And I'm Amber, Super Special Level Swimmer/ Diver." A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said. She was wearing a white sports jacket with a blue tank top underneath, jean shorts, and silver flip-flops.

"Great, now that everyone's situated, I think we should explore this school." Glimmer said.

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