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Music was blaring on the radio, I think it was All Time Low, I turn it up so I don't have to listen to Calum talk about anything and everything. He just rolls his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face.

Calum leaned forward while still looking at the road and turned down the volume of the music that was currently being played through the cars stereo.

"I'm going to miss you Michael, I know you will get better." Calum whispered stopping his car then proceeded to look across at me, with a sad smile placed on his face, though I had no idea what he was talking about.

I just nodded at him and turned back to the window and lightly placed my fingers on the glass infatuated in the water trickling down them.

"Do you want me to take you home now?" Calum questioned and I just shrugged in reply.

He turned left down a side street and then turned right and drove down my road before slowing his car down to a halt outside my front door. He looked up at me signalling for me to either bid him farewell or to just leave, I took the second option, I opened the passenger door and walked onto the patch of grass connected to my house. I looked to my right and lifted up a hideous lawn ornament and proceeded to pick up the key and then pushed it into thee front door unlocking it and I then walked inside of my house and ran upstairs to get into my bedroom quickly. I then laid on my bed thinking about her.

"Stop Michael i'm going to suffocate." She sternly spoke through fits of laughter.

"But you're adorable when you laugh." I replied and then stopped tickling her leaving her to lie on my bed and for both of us to stare at the ceiling.

She turned over to face me and I did the same.

"I love you." I whispered afraid of breaking the comforting silence.

I was pulled out of thought when my mum barged into my bedroom. A look of sadness was washed over her face and she reluctantly began walking towards me.

Sat down on my bed next to my legs, she inhaled deeply and then began to speak, "darling, you are going to go to go stay with your dad for a while, maybe staying there will do you some good, its going to be hard I know, but please try for it for her..." She trailed off looking over to medication calendar.

I hated my dad, he left my mum and I when I was younger and all he does is send me some measly cards for my Birthday and Christmas putting in no effort what so ever, also he lives in Connecticut, America, which is kilometres away from Australia.

I just blankly stared at my mum waiting for her to leave but she just looked back at me. I was filling with rage even though I hate everyone here why did she have to send me away, just because i'm broken and can never be fixed?

I stand up and walk out of my bedroom running onto the street that was still being filled with the water droplets from the sky. I just started walking, anywhere, I just wanted to get away and to leave. To my surprise Calum's car pulled up next to me.

"Get in." The Kiwi boy spoke and i jumped in and he sped off.


Hey, I hope you like it so far, I will be updating tomorrow.


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