Jumbledstar- Ruffled pelted dark grey tom with one amber eye and one green eye
Snaketooth- Tabby tom with green eyes and sharp fangs
Medicine Cat
Frogstump- White and gray tabby tom with amber eyes
(apprentice, Coldeyes; Light grey tom with big dark grey spot on back and blue eyes)
Mistyfeather- light gray and silver white she-cat with light blue eyes
Ravenclaw- Black tom with blue eyes
Limptail- Skinny tom with green eyes
Stoneheart- Sandy tom with black stripes
Figitfoot- Dark brown tom with silver eyes
(apprentice, Crazypaw)Yellowstone- Sandy she-cat with light amber eyes
Brokenjaw- Black and white tom with green eyes and a crooked jaw
(apprentice, Goldenpaw)Blackclaw- Black she-cat with light green eyes
(apprentice, Smoothpaw)Viperfang- Golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
(apprentice, Smokepaw)Queens
Silvertongue- silver she-cat with light green eyes (mother of Brokenjaw's kits; Morningkit: Golden tabby she-kit with green eyes, Tramplekit: grey and black tom with blue eyes, Quakekit: white tom with black ears.)
Turtlefur- Tortoise shell she-cat with amber eyes (mother of Snaketooth's kits; Ashkit: dark grey tom with green eyes, Moonkit: tortoise shell she-kit with amber eyes)
Mousepaw- brown she-cat with darker specks all around pelt
Crazypaw- Ruffled grey tom with dark grey specks on ears
Goldenpaw- Golden she-cat with darker stripe along back
Smoothpaw- Slick light grey tom with blue eyes
Smokepaw- Black tom with white tipped tail and scars all over pelt and amber eyes
Ratdung- Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Pinepelt- Dark ginger tom with hazel eyes
Rakeclaw- Ginger tom with green eyes
Spottedfur- Light ginger she-cat with two white spots on either side of her shoulders
Whisperstar- Light grey she-cat, piercing blue eyes
Tumblefoot- Dark brown tom with darker stripes, amber eyes
Medicine Cat
Flowerstem- Tortoiseshell she-cat, amber eyes
(Apprentice: Cinderfoot- Gray she-cat, black paws, blue eyes)Warriors
Foxtail- Ginger tom with a fluffy tail, green eyes
Speckletail- Grey she-cat with black spots on tail and left ear, green eyes
Badgergrowl- Black tom with white paws, blue eyes
Sharpclaw- Sandy tom with grey stripes, amber eyes
Warriors: Back to the Wild Book#3
FanfictionAfter the disappearance of Spotpaw, Mousepelt is faced with much more difficult situations. Feeling as if her world is crumbling underneath her paws, she turns to some unexpected ancestors. The choices of this cat and those she cares about could aff...