Chapter 40, Crying

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Error is made by Crayon Queen, also known as Loverofpiggies

Dreamtale is made by Jokublog

Pov. Error

I've been talking to these two dragons for a while, their definitely weird but at least they are nice, though I have a feeling T needs me right now "I'll be right back" "alright, be careful" I nod and open a portal back to the anti-void, I walk through it, only to see her crying, I run over to her and hug her, yes I hate physical touch, but sometimes I can put it aside, and this is one of those times. "Hey, what's wrong?" she doesn't answer, she just keeps crying, what's got her so upset? I keep hugging her, hopeing it will calm her down, it did eventually "what's got you so upset T?" just asking that alone almost makes her cry again, geez, it's that bad huh? I give her a hug again "hey, come on you can tell me". After saying that, all she said was one thing before bursting into tears again "nightmare" now at first, I thought she just took a nap, but...I don't think a nightmare alone can make someone cry, unless, ok, now it hits me, she's talking about somebody, but who? My memory isn't the best, but i think she's talking about nightmare from dreamtale. Why is she crying about him? I let her go and open a portal to see dreamtale, it's...everything is burning, the tree, the village, the flower field as well, what the heck happened here? Now that I look, I see a statue, I go through the portal to look at it, now that I see it, it's dream, now this just got creepy. I look around, where is nightmare? He should have been here, protecting the tree with dream, I look around for him but I don't see him, I look down at the ground and I see...small puddles of black goop, what? Did the thing that attacked this place leave that behind? Whatever, I need to get back to T, she's probably started to cry again. I open a portal back and go through it, this time I see her sitting up, but I can see that she's been holding in tears, I walk over to her and hug her again "mind telling me now this time?" "'s my fault...I should have been there for he's...". "Hey, focus here T, what happened?" "nightmare did it...he destroyed his village, after eating all the black apples, he turned dream to stone, amd killed everyone" she was tearing up again "and its all my fault..." "come on, it's not your fault" "YES IT IS!" I jumped at her outburst, but when she noticed that, she looked down guiltily "sorry...but it is" I sigh, and sit next to her, if I can't convince her it's not her fault, I'll at least sit here and keep her company.
I feel very bad for her and nightmare now ;-; i want to give them hugs gosh darn it, but yeah, if she was there for nightmare in this story, his corruption wouldn't have happened, but just so you all know, i imagine every creater that makes universes and characters, has their own sort of version of the multiverse that they can put their characters in, kinda like their own space and they mess around in there, however, the universes and characters that are made by other people are still made by them, cuz no matter what, the character is owned by someone and they have a right to them, so you can mess about with the characters, keep in mind that you only own your own part of the multiverse and the characters you create, not the other characters that other people placed in the multiverse, i hope this clears anything up, that this is taking place in my area of it, but i still don't own a single one of the characters except for the dragon characters that this story is revolved around, anyway, i hope y'all understand that, have fun, be safe and stay awesome!

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