Battle Between Men

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Dorian heard Gael sigh as he bit into the apple in his hand, the sour juices flowing across his tongue. Cassandra sat beside him on the bench, mirroring the Inquisitor's mildly annoyed expression as she watched the men in front of her have a contest to see who is more worthy to accompany the Inquisitor on his expedition to Emprise du Lion. 

When Gael and Dorian had been having a small-scale cold war over the past week, Gael casting out his usually solid spot in his expedition team and replacing it with Iron Bull, Dorian was positively offended, even though he knew it was mainly his fault. Still, the fact that Cassandra, Varric and Bull were accompanying Gael out to such a dangerous part of Thedas made Dorian queasy. 

As did the idea of the elf sharing a tent with the hulking ox.

"Boss already organised with Cullen and the others for me to accompany him," Bull said, his horns gleaming under sun as he crossed his arms over his burly chest, his hulking form casting a shadow over Dorian's smaller one. The Tevinter mage simply scoffed, brushing off the Qunari's stature with the crinkle of his sculpted nose, pinching the tip of his moustache as he glanced up and down at Bull's form.

"You were simply a placeholder, you ox," Dorian said, digging his heels into the ground as he squared his shoulders. 

"Says the Vint that was discarded for this 'placeholder'," Bull sneered, his deep voice rumbling as he laughed at Dorian's expense. Dorian let out an exasperated groan, turning to Gael and Cassandra, who both suddenly found a deep interest in the sprigs of grass under their feet. While Varric and Cassandra's positions were more or less solidified in the team, it was now Dorian and Iron Bull who were slugging it out in the courtyard.

"Cassandra," Gael pleaded, giving the Seeker desperate eyes as Dorian and Bull stormed over to them, their steps synchronised as the two were more alike than they cared to admit. Cassandra let out a disgusted noise, getting up from her chair as she threw her hands up.

"You're on your own on this one, Inquisitor. I'm going to the armoury to check on my weapons for tomorrow," Cassandra said, the lilt in her accent disguising her veiled amusement at Gael's pleading eyes. 

"Cassandra," Gael said again, his voice dripping with that 'Inquisitor tone'. Cassandra let out a short chuckle her close friend, shaking her head as she carefully tiptoed her way out of the situation, leaving Gael to fend for himself.

"Hey, Boss. This Vint can't get it through his head that he's not coming this time," Bull said, jerking a bulky thumb towards Dorian, who scoffed.

"This brute called me a placeholder. A placeholder. Have you ever seen a placeholder this delectable? No? That's because I'm not a placeholder." Gael could almost see the steam wafting from Dorian's ears, and Gael never knew that Bull's eye could bulge out that much from his heavy-set skull.

"Can't the two of you sort this out amongst yourselves? I have... many things to attend to. Inquisitor things. Very important business," Gael said, lying through his teeth as he waved his half-eaten apple around in his hands. Bull gave the Inquisitor a knowing look as Dorian rolled his grey eyes. 

"We know Cullen gave you a day to rest before your departure, Gael," Dorian said, the easy delivery of the Inquisitor's name on his lips catching him by surprise. It seemed to have also caught Gael off guard, since Dorian rarely said his name aloud, usually referring to him as Inquisitor, or the Herald of Andraste when he was being particularly sarcastic. Hearing his name on the Tevinter's lips made Gael lose all sense for a long, long second. 

"Uh..." Gael started, his words failing him. "I... um... well... uh..." Gael glanced around the courtyard desperately, before jumping up to his feet. "You could compete!"

"Compete?" Dorian asked, Bull murmuring the same thing under his breath. "With this neanderthal?"

"I could clobber you any time of the day, Vint," Bull huffed, nostrils flaring as he pushed out his chest. "Just tell me when."

"How about now then?" Dorian said, mana crackling in his palm as storm energy spilled from his pores. Dorian was about to send a carefully controlled shockwave to Bull's ankle, stopped only by Gael's hand tightly gripping his wrist, the elf's own magic clashing with his. Energy seared up Dorian's arm, warming him as Gael's grip tightened around him. 

"You're on, Vint," Bull grinned, pulling a fist backwards, ready to release. 

"You stop right there too, Bull," Gael said, exasperated, his hand flying out to send a burst of ice at Bull's fist, the Qunari's hand freezing moments before he released his punch. Bull and Dorian looked at each other, and then at the small elf that stood between them, easily dissipating both of their 'friendly' attacks with ease. 

No wonder he was the Inquisitor. So much power was packed into such a tiny body. 

"Sure, Boss," Bull said, lowering his arm, which dripped with slowly melting ice. Dorian too pulled back his magic, letting out the breath he had been holding, his chest deflating with relief.

"If you both want to come that badly, maybe talk to Varric about it. He's working on the next chapter of Swords and Shields, and he would probably like to be able to work on it without Cassandra looking over his shoulder every time we set up camp," Gael said, lowering his hands when he was certain that the two hotheads had calmed. 

"Oh, I'm happy not to go, if these two are that keen," a raspy voice chuckled from behind Gael. Bull and Dorian looked at the elf in confusion, since the voice seemed to come from where he was standing, though it was definitely not his velvety timbre that they heard. As if on cue, Varric's head popped out from behind Gael, his short body soon revealing itself. 

"Oh, thank the Creators," Gael let out, stepping behind Varric in gratitude, the dwarf casting him an amused look. "Varric, whatever you want, I'll get it for you. Ma serannas*."

"Oh, it's my pleasure, my dear Inquisitorialness," Varric chortled. "And you don't have to go out of your way to get me something, but if you really want to thank me, do you mind reading over this manuscript? It's still a work in progress, but it could really use your... expertise." 

Dorian felt a chill wash over him as Varric pulled out a thick stack of parchment bound with leader straps from his satchel, handing it to the Inquisitor, who read the neat script on the cover. 

"A new book, Varric?" Gael asked, looking at the dwarf, who gave a mischievous grin in return. "Inquisit Me? I'm not familiar with this series of yours."

"Vishante kaffas!" Dorian spluttered, lunging for the papers in Gael's hand, snatching them from the Inquisitor who just looked at Dorian like he was a mad man. Varric was doubled over in a fit of laughter, Bull just snorting steam from his flared nostrils. Dorian's face turned a shade or two redder, his mouth opening and closing as he reached down to grab Varric by the collar, dragging the cackling dwarf across the courtyard, much to the entertainment of the gardeners. 

"We depart at dawn tomorrow, Dorian!" Gael called after him, Dorian waving a hand in acknowledgement, before turning a corner with Varric in tow. 

*Ma serannas - my thanks/thank you

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