Author's Note

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Last chapter! I'm definitely going to miss my boys so, so, so, so, SO much, but all good things have to come to an end :') Thank you so much for reading my story until this point, I'm honestly so grateful that people were even intrigued enough to click on it in the first place! Even more so that people still read the latest chapters, even though I update sporadically like the knob that I am (I think there was basically a year's gap between chapter at some point oops). Seriously, I can't thank you enough!

Aaaaand on another note...

I'm actually working on another DA:I fic (!!!) which is kind of a spin-off of this story! It will feature two original characters (one of which is Alaric wink wink), and will be set in the wonderful-but-not-so-wonderful Tevinter Imperium. Unlike this story, which basically follows the game's storyline, the spin-off will be more of an original work but will reference concurrently occurring plot points from DA:I, and will of course feature cameos from some of our favourite characters (including Gael and Dorian!). It's in the very early stages (early as in... literally just a plan in my head), but if you're interested keep checking in and one day you might get the nice surprise of chapter one (or prologue, because I'm crafty like that)! :) Title, cover and summary below~

The Hunt for Great Things

"You are destined to do great things

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"You are destined to do great things." This was a phrase that Asharel Lavellan had heard all his life, but they were words never meant for him. Gael Lavellan was the type of elf he wanted to be, but never could be. Gael was good at everything; hunting, magic, protecting his Clan. Asharel was good at... cooking? Cleaning? Sewing? Asharel of the Aravels, that's what his Clan called him. It was not a name coloured with mocking, but neither did it fill Asharel with pride. He wanted to be a hero and a protector - someone 'destined to do great things'.

When Clan Lavellan is attacked by bandits, Asharel is taken hostage and finds himself thrown into the dangerous lands of the Tevinter Imperium. Vowing to survive and to someday reunite with his Clan, Asharel keeps his head down and prays to the Creators that a hero like Gael can come and save him. But with his skills in cleaning and cooking, Asharel catches the eye of a powerful mage, who seems to be more than the frivolous, rakish noble he portrays himself to be.

Though not the Inquisitor, or a fighter, and by no means a hero, somewhere along the way Asharel discovers that even someone like him can be...

Destined for great things.



Once again, thank you so much for reading until the end! Until next time~

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