Returning to Normal

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            Two days later, Athelstan was finally starting to look like his old self again. Ragnar and Lagertha had followed Floki's instructions with taking care of the wound and it had gradually healed. The boat builder himself had retuned to the house to examine the wound again and determined Athelstan would be fine.

            Someone who had not retuned, however, was Rollo. Ragnar had only seen his brother in passing when he and Bjorn were buying supplies in the town. However, Rollo had not stopped long enough to talk to his brother, clearly still angry about what had happened two days prior. Despite all of this, Athelstan was now much better, but Ragnar and Lagertha had still forbidden Athelstan from getting out of bed.

            "I am fine now," Athelstan said, "I can help."

            "What do you think will happen priest?" Ragnar said, "You are fine now, but you do chores and it is too much. You become ill again and are unable to help out around here for even longer." He pushed Athelstan's shoulder, forcing the priest to lie down again.

            "Rest for another day," Lagertha said, "You can start helping again tomorrow." Athelstan nodded miserably and Lagertha eyed him for a moment before making a decision.

            "Gyda!" she called and the little girl joined her parents, "Stay with Athelstan today, alright? Have him help you go over your teachings for today." Gyda nodded and went to fetch her things while Ragnar and Lagertha left to help Bjorn with the chores. Athelstan slowly sat up as Gyda returned and sat next to him.

            "Alright," Athelstan said, "What are we working on today?"

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