Awaited capture

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 I find a log to sit on that overlooks the city below as I eat my noodles. The sun is just peeking over and I close my eyes and feel it's warmth. Don't be too expectant. they'll expect you to
Fight. That's ok. Just as long as you allow them to capture you. I open my eyes and I turn and go into a fighting stance. Zhao comes through the trees with about a dozen men and then he moves aside and I see Azula,Mai and Ty lee. Hello little sister Azula says. Admiral Zhao tells me you've been disobeying farther. Farther put his trust in the wrong people. The man I was sent after is no physic. Oh really how would you know that? She says. That doesn't matter anymore Zhao snaps. Azula smirks and looks at Zhao annoyed and then she says fine. You know why we're here. You're the avatar. You're a traitor by birth and an enemy. But killing you would only restart the cycle and because it's an air bender we don't know where the whelp will end up. You've come here to capture me Azula small talk isn't like you i say softly or have you gotten lazy in my absence? Azulas eyes widen. Then she says well - capture her! The knives start flying as a dozen fire benders shoot fire at my legs. I spin into the air to avoid the flame unleashing an attack of my own and they're blown back. I go into fighting stance and I stare at my sister. Neither Mai or ty lee make a move against me. Azula looks at ty lee. What are you waiting for? She says. But Azula she's - do it! Azula says. Ty lee looks at me. She lunges and I jump into the air and dodge her hands we weave in and out in and out until Azula grabs Mai and says surrender sister I turn and I see her holding a fire dagger to Mai's throat. I can only see the fear in Mai's eyes for a split second before it's gone. I look at her for a moment before I look at Ty lee and I put my arms at my sides as she pushes my chi points and I feel my body go entirely limp. Azula tosses rope on the ground. Tie her up ty lee is shaking as she ties my wrists together. Azula smirks and she says make her walk. Azula she's I know. Mai pulls me up and I've got no feeling anywhere. Everything is numb. Keep her on her feet. Azula says as Mai holds me up and Ty lee gently pulls me forward. We finally make it to Azulas ship which is in the harbor. Excuse me is this your ship? A man asks. Yes it is. Well it's too large - Azula cuts him off we're leaving now she says moving by him and he says wait a second what are - one more word and I'll kill you she says. She moves past him and he says I can't let you- Azula turns and I see her hold a fire dagger to his throat do you wish to finish that sentence? I'm pulled off before I know what happens but I hear a scream. I'm taken below and left on the floor. Mai looks behind ty lee and she looks at the guard. Leave she says. The guard leaves the three of us alone. Once he's out of ear shot Ty lee says I...I'm so sorry she says. Kani Mai says. I lift my eyes to look at her. I...thanks she says. You've always been...a good friend. I'm able to move my mouth muscles enough to smile. They both start when Azula comes down stairs and she says when will she be able to feel pain? She asks ty lee. About half an hour Ty lee says. Ok. Azula comes over to me and darkness quickly surrounds me once I sense her pushing something near my neck and then nothing.

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