Chapter Four

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"So they were asking for pictures and a follow from you, even though they were saying those things about you?" Niall asked once I had completely finished telling him what happened.

I nodded and tears started to slide down my face. "Come on Avril, don't cry." Niall pulled me into one of his Horan hugs, and I felt better once his arms were around me. I could of stayed there all night, and just cry on Niall's shoulder. But of course, I couldn't.

"Niall hasn't eaten all the food has he." Louis's voice came from the hallway, I turned my head to see him enter through the door. At first he was smiling, but when he saw me he frowned. "Whats wrong?" Louis asked walking over to me.

I pulled out of Niall's grip around me, so my whole body was facing him. "Nothing." I whiped away my tears, but Louis wasn't buying my lie.

"Don't lie to me Avril." Louis said.

"Honestly It's nothing, I'm just tired." I lied.

"So you were hugging Niall because you were tired?" Louis questioned.


"You're not very good at lying Avril." Louis pulled me into a quick hug. Once he pulled out of it, he looked at me, looking for answers.

I sighed and turned to Niall. "We might as well tell him Avril." He said. I looked back and forth between both of them.

"Alright. But not here, I don't want the rest of the boys to find out." I said as I stared to lead out of the kitchen. I got to the door with Niall behind me, I herd Louis down the hall tell the boys that we were going for a quick walk. Once Louis joined us, we left.

"Now will you tell me what’s going on?" Louis asked as we walked down the road.

"In a minuet." I led the boys to Starbucks. We went inside and took the table furthest away from everyone, so no one was in hearing range. I sighed and fiddled with my hands as I began to talk. "Well, ever since me and Harry have been fake dating, I've began to... To like him."

Louis didn't look so surprised by this, but as he went to say something a waiter came. "Can I get you guys anything?"

"No thanks." Niall said. I continued to tell Louis about my feelings for Harry, and also what happened in the bathroom at Nando's. I made sure not to mention the bit about me and Harry almost kissing. Louis listened carefully, and Niall helped me on bits that I struggled to talk about.

"Ok I'll talk to the fans tonight." Louis said.

"What no! I don't want Harry to find out!" I said almost yelling, I had to quieten my voice so I didn't draw attention to us.

"Don't worry, I make it so it's like Eleanor and Danielle are getting it as well. Witch they are. I don't know how people can so stuff like that." Louis said. "Anyway, the situation about Harry. All you have to do is make him jealous."

"What?" I asked, looking up from my hands to look at him. "How's that going to work?"

"If you flirt with someone else, you'll make him jealous." Louis was talking like I was five years old.

"I don't know. I don't think I could use someone like that." I said honestly. I thought the whole idea of using someone to make another person jealous was a horrible thing to do.

"Then don't do it on a random stranger, do it on Niall." Louis said pointing to Niall. I looked over to Niall who was looking at Louis confused. "Well she can't do it on me or Liam, and doing it on Harry is never going to work. And I guess you don't want to involve Zayn in all this, do you?"

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