Chapter Seven

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I took a sip of the hot chocolate that Niall gave me. I had just finished telling him what happened between me and Harry. Niall's house was nice, it had a felt-like-home touch to it. The only bad thing was that there were food wrappers and cloths everywhere.

"Everything's going to be ok Avril." Niall said, rubbing my back.

"Is it?" I asked him, putting my hot chocolate down on the table. "He just stood there while Sammie told me to leave. To leave from my own house and to never come back. I'm losing him Niall." My body was drained from tears, so I couldn’t produce anymore.

Niall pulled me into him, so my head was resting on his chest. He was rubbing my hair and back, trying to cal me down, and it worked. “Why don't you go and get some sleep." He said to me. I nodded and made my way to the room I was staying in.

I walked right past my bed and sat on the window sill, staring out at the view. I took out my phone and loaded up twitter. Harry hasn't tweeted anything yet, and I told him I would do this.

@AvrilSmith123: Before stupid rumours spread, I need to clear this up. Me and Harry are over, he is back with Sammie. And in all honesty, we never really dated. It was all a lie.

Once I clicked 'Tweet' and all hell broke lose. People sent me tweets saying 'WHAT! It was a lie?!.' or 'Good, I'm glad it was fake. Harry and Sammie are better together anyway!' I even got some like this 'I don't care it the relationship was a lie, you two were great together! Please get back together, for real this time...'

I logged out of twitter and went back to staring out of the window. I don't know how long I'm going to stay here. But I'm glad Niall has let me stay.

Me and Harry have never been in a fight this big, ever. In fact, the only fight I can remember having with Harry was over who got to go on the swing when we were ten years old. I know, a bit old to be fighting over a swing. I closed my eyes and thought back to that day.

- Flash back-

My mum had dropped me and Harry off by our tree. It was beautiful, it was on the edge of a cliff. Not so close that it would fall off, it was about six meters away. This was mine and Harry's tree. We came here nearly every weekend, and almost everyday after school. It was the place where we could be by ourselves, no one knew about it but us. Well and our parents of course.

Me and Harry raced to the swing that hung from a strong branch. We acted like five year olds when we were by ourselves. Harry beat me to the swing, like usual.

"Harry, that's not fair! You always get first go!" I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Not my problem." Harry said laughing. "Now push me!"



"No!" I screamed. I hated it how Harry could push me about just because he was a few months older than me. "You never let me go on it first! And you are always pushing me around!" I stormed away, sitting on the grass a few meters away from Harry.

"Aww, come on Avril." Harry came and sat down next to me. He used his shoulder to nudge mine. "I'll push you."

I looked over at him and smiled, he returned it. Harry got up and put his hand out for me. I took it, letting him pull me up. We walked back to the swing, I sat down and Harry stared to push me. As I got higher, I lent my head back, letting my hair fly about in the breeze.

I love hearing the sound of Harry's laughter mixed with mine.

-End flash back-

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