Chapter Five

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I was in love with my bestfriend.

The boy I had grew up with.

The boy who knew everything about me.

The boy I'd take a bullet for.

I was in love with him.

There was just one small problem. He was in love with somebody else.

It had been a week. A long, painful week since me and Harry almost kissed again. The tension I felt between us was almost unbearable. But Harry didn’t seem to feel anything, he acted like nothing has happened between us. We just sat in front of the TV watching it, well he was, I wasn't. I was lost in my thoughts.

He has been seeing Sammie more now. Almost everyday in fact. Sometimes he would come home happy, other times he would be either angry or upset, sometimes even both. He was too good for her, he deserved so much better. I'm not saying me, but it would be nice if he finally realise that Sammie is a bitch.

Me and the boys went out to watch a movie last night, and when me and Harry got home he tried to pay me. I say tried, because I said no. I realized I couldn't keep taking his money from him, it was wrong and selfish.

"Harry, I don't want your money." I said, placing the money back in his hands.

"What, why?" He asked, looking at me with concern.

"Because, I feel bad about keeping it." I said truthfully. I didn't like keeping his money, it felt wrong on so many levels.

"Avril, we had a deal." Harry said, trying to force the money back into my hands.

"I know, and I'm sticking to it. I just don't want to be your money date anymore." I could see that he was confused, and sad about my choice of words. I looked into his lovely green eyes. The eyes I had always loved. They were one of the main things I loved about Harry.

"Please take the money. Otherwise I feel like I'm using you!" Harry pleaded.

Then I did something I knew I would regret. I looked up at him, tears staring to form in my eyes. These words will hurt him, I knew they would. But I had to say them.

"Either way Harry, you are still using me."

I looked away from him and made my way upstairs. I couldn’t look at him, I couldn’t tell if he was hurt or not but I'm sure he was.

I ended up crying myself to sleep last night. Ever since this whole fake dating thing started, me and Harry have stared to drift apart. It was probably my fault. I have been so depress about not having him, and him being with Sammie that it has made us drift.

I hate it. I hate not being close to him. I hate not being able to laugh like we use to, to fool around and for it to not get weird. I hate myself cause I was causing it.

I sighed and turned my head back to the TV, the show Friends was on. I loved this show, my favourite TV program ever. I looked over at Harry, he was looking at me. His eyes full of sadness.

"Avril, about last night, I-" He stared to speak but his words got cut off by a faint knocking at the door. I got up from the sofa and made my way to the door. I opened it and got the shock of my life.

"Mum, dad?!" I stared into the eyes of my parents as the stood in the door way.

"Avril!" I looked to the ground, where my five year old brother stood. He jumped into my arms, and I held onto him tight. I haven't seen my family in nearly two years. We stayed in contact over the phone and that, but it was hard to get face contact.

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