- A spa day for yourself and like two other friends🎮🎹🎲Wyatt🎲🎹🎮
- Buys you an entire outfit accessories included🦋🌊🏙Jaeden🏙🌊🦋
- takes you to Disney lay for two days🌼🌙🍋Chosen🍋🌙🌼
- writes you a song and performs it at your party☂️🔮💜Sophia💜🔮☂️
- makes you a girlfriend coupon book☄️💥🔥Jack🔥💥☄️
- gets your favorite celebrity to meet you, take a picture and sign something🌿🌱🌵Jeremy🌵🌱🌿
- buys you a jewelry set complete with a necklace, earrings, bracelet and ring🇦🇺💋🏹Nic🏹💋🇦🇺
Motherfucker buys you your first car, with the help of your parents ofc💭🕒⚓️Logan⚓️🕒💭
Does this whole fucking dance number for you♠️🎱🔌Owen🔌🎱♠️
Takes you on a plane ride