- eyes literally light up
- kisses you
- "you look so beautiful."🎮🎹🎲Wyatt🎲🎹🎮
- Feels so lucky
- stares go SO long
- "this is gonna be your wedding dress."🦋🌊🏙Jaeden🏙🌊🦋
- literally stops breathing
- hold you
- "you look like an angel"🌼🌙🍋Chosen🍋🌙🌼
- smiles so hard it hurts
- spins you around
- "you look fine as hell"☂️🔮💜Sophia💜🔮☂️
- falls in love all over again
- holds your hands
- "I'm so gay for you."☄️💥🔥Jack🔥💥☄️
- freaks the fuck out
- hyper as fuck
- "you LOOOK SO FUCCIN GORGEOUS!"🌿🌱🌵Jeremy🌵🌱🌿
- Blushes
- loves you so much more
- "I'm so lucky to be with such a gorgeous girl"🇦🇺💋🏹Nic🏹💋🇦🇺
- looks you up and down
- heart rate speeds up
- "you are so fucking sexy."💭🕒⚓️Logan⚓️🕒💭
- smirks
- gets boner (oops)
- "why are you so hot?"♠️🎱🔌Owen🔌🎱♠️
- gets hot and bothered
- eyes literally pop out of his head
- "c'mere baby."