65. If The Losers Were Their Twin

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- Would honestly be Richie's best friend
- they'd just make inappropriate jokes all the time
- "we look just alike and you still get more girls than I do." - Richie
- teaming up to annoy Nick

- R.I.P cause of death: 2x the sarcasm
- Stan wondering why his brother is so fucking weird
- Wyatt wondering why Stan is so boring
- "No Wyatt! I will not play video games with you anymore!"

- Too much cuteness I'm out
- helping Bill with his stutter like a good big bro
- Bilverly & Jillia double dates (r.i.p Jillia)
- Jaeden teaching Billy how to drive
- "a-am I doing it r-right?"

- Mike being amazed at Chosen's singing
- Chosen admiring how strong his brother is
- "who don't we have girlfriends?" - Chosen
- teaching Mike to play the piano
- teaching him how to play the guitar

- awkward sibling hug
- Sophia cutting Beverly's hair for her
- Bev wondering why she isn't dating Jaeden
- Painting each other's nails
- seeing who has the most freckles
- both loving Jake

- Ahahahahashahha
- Eddie thinks his brother is another Richie
- "what the fuck is your problem" - both at the same time
- Jack hiding Eddie's fanny packs
- Eddie hiding Jack's Skateboard

- Awwwweeee
- Jeremy being so surprised how smart Ben is
- Ben thinking Jeremy is cooler than him
- Ben asking if he's dating Sophia
- Jeremy wanting to know everything that Ben knows

- literally thinks Henry is an asshole
- "we're too pretty, for you to be a dick." - Nic
- Henry not being as much of an asshole around Nic
- Nic giving Henry a haircut because.....😕
- Henry being slightly Jealous of Nic

- I'd die if there were two of him
- Logan making fun of how blond Vic is
- Vic thinking it's cool that Logan can dance his ass off
- wonders why the losers look different that normal
- Vic jealous of Logan having a girlfriend

- "you need to calm the fuck down." - Owen
- doesn't know what the fuck is wrong with this son of a bitch
- Owen barely talks to Patrick
- Patrick kinda wants to be as sane as Owen
- "how are you normal, and I under up like this?"

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