- Makeup kit🕊🌾✉️ Stan✉️🌾🕊
- haircare products☁️🗺🛥Bill🛥🗺☁️
- a boyfriend coupon book🧡🦊🍁Mike🍁🦊🧡
- buys you the pet of your choice🚬🥀🍓Beverly 🍓🥀🚬
- shit ton balloon and 40 roses🌸🏩🕯Eddie🕯🏩🌸
- A dress you've been eyeing for a while📽🎞📜Ben📜🎞📽
- A professionally drawn portrait of you🔪💣💉Henry💉💣🔪
- A promise ring🛒⏱🗑Victor🗑⏱🛒
- you guys spend the day in California🔥🚨🔌Patrick🔌🚨🔥
- a life sized bear