First day. First time meeting.

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Evie PoV
Finishing putting my makeup on and protecting my hair for the first day of school I picked up my handbag that's my school bag and went downstairs

"Morning sweetie, first day of school breakfast is right here waiting!"she said I smiled and thanked her it was two pancakes with strawberries as syrup

"So how you feeling?"she asked

"Scared but quite excited really"I said as I eat up my pancakes

"Look I know it's been hard to move away from Your farther but you do understand-"I cut my mum off

"Mum I know and I'm on your side about this okay"I said

"Well just don't find a boy at this school that's kinda a bad boy I suppose that will sip up your grades or just no boys in general how about that?"she said I laughed and shook my head

"Right I'm gonna be late so I'll see you after school Mum"I said and she hugged me and lightly pecked me in the cheek

"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"she said as I walk out the door and walk to school and I'm not far away from my school I'd like to say 10-15 minuets away

At school..
I made it to my registration room and I walked in and the teacher smiled at me and I walked up to her desk with a smile on my face

"You must be Evie"she said I nodded with a smile

"Well I found you a buddy to stick with today, he a lovely guy but tends to hang around with not lovely people so...Caspar!"She said and shouted for the guy and then when she said 'lovely guy' there was my nerves hitting me and then I looked and saw a tall blonde walking towards me

"You know how I said there a new girl coming in and you're going to be her buddy, meet Evie"the teacher said

"Oh hay"Caspar said

"Well I'll leave it to you caspar I've already registered so I'll count you in"the teacher said

"Thank you"I said and I walked with Caspar too his seat who was with another boy quite short but had light brown hair

"This is joe"Caspar said

"Hi I'm Evie"I said and I sat opposite them on a table

"So what first two classes do you have today"Caspar said I looked at my time table

"Maths in room 44C and English in 12B"I said and i looked at them

"Your with me for both lessons"Caspar said

"I'm next door to you second lesson"joe said I nodded

"Anyone else you know in those classes"I asked they thought about it and then they looked at each other

"Mikey"they said in sync and laughed

"Mikey in our English, he in our group and he the one that gets picked on the most really"joe said

"Oh's okay if I hang around with you both at lunch and break right?"I asked they nodded

"Of course you'll be the only girl but it's okay"joe said

"Girls come sit with us now and then but to talk and leave, if one of us have girlfriend then they sit with us but they come and go"Caspar said and we started laughing then the bell rang and we left

"Well Cya you both later, nice to meet you Evie"joe said

"Yeah you too"I smiled

Skip to English..
"So Mikey Kinda is looking for a girl but no one ever dates him so it will be no shock if he starts flirting right off the bat with you"caspar said to me as we walked into English he sat in his seat and I went up to my English teacher

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