Alone with him...

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The end of the week...
Evie POV
It was Friday and I was was walking out of class and off to go meet jack and then I saw him stood outside the detention room

"Jack?"I said

"Oh Evie I've got an after school detention because...well it me"he said with a laugh

"Who am I walking with?"I asked he shrugged

"Might be able to catch up the boys if you hurry"he said I nodded

"Well Cya"I said and I started walking and there was no sign of Caspar or joe or even any of the boys I text joe to ask him and he replied

Joe: Awh where practically home sorry :(

I text back saying it was fine and I started walking home myself I mean surly Harry isn't around looking for me and as I was half way home I cut through the massive field to make it quicker

"on her own..."I hear Harry voice...I guess he always around I mean wake up Evie he practically harassed me and jack every time we walk together I turned around and saw him kneeling by the tree where I sat while the boys played foot ball so I quickly walked off the field he kept shouting my name and as I got out the field he grabbed my hand

"Oi bitch!"he said and turned me around he had a smirk on he look me up and down

"I have to talk nasty to you to get your attention "he said

"In fact I've been trying to get your attention all week but your stupid boyfriend thinks while he healing from the damage I gave him you need more security and that's his even more stupider brother jack..."he said I was terrified I now know what this Harry does by having sex with them and what if he tries it with me

"I suggest you follow me"He said dragging me I was trying to fight back but it was useless and he took me to a dead end and he looked around and he pressed me against the wall

"You wouldn't be dealing with this if you wasn't mine in the first place"he said I started crying and I looked away and I hear him take his belt off...this is it I'm done for and I hear someone grab hold of him based off his gasp and I look and  had hold of his collar almost strangling him properly...and then I soon realise who that person his

Conor Maynard...

"I suggest you get lost before things get even ugly than I planned because trust me after I've seen this you should be shitting yourself because I'm back next week and your face is gonna be fucked by my fists"Conor brutally threatened him and turned him away and pushed him away and stood in front of me protectively

"I knock you out"he said quite shakily

"For the first time I'm gonna do it for like...I mean I've lost count so piss off"he said in a tone and he stood there

"Now!"He said raising his voice louder and walking a little closer to him but he practically ran off and Conor waited a little and then turned to me

"Baby"he breathed and came up to me and I hugged him and started crying

"Where jack?"he said

"Detention"I cried

"You know what he was going to do to you?"he asked I let go of the hug

"Look jack told me what he does...but I'm useless he dragged me here form field...I don't know why I haven't asked you about that but what's his dirty flirting?"I asked he shook his head

"You'll know eventually I just don't want to talk about it..."he said I wanted to ask him but I stopped and went away from the subject

"So how you find me here?"I asked

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