What could be so important to leave me right now?

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A few weeks later...

Evie PoV
The spring holidays..three weeks with no school and three weeks I'll be spending alone...well that's how conor putting it

"Why are you telling me this now?"I argued back sat on the end of bed while he packed...he won't even tell me where he going for a start...this was the night school finished for three weeks and he telling me this now when he know for months apparently

"I just didn't want to worry you.."he said

"I few weeks ago I was going to back out of this relationship but you convinced me it's a good relationship and not a waste of time...but now you won't even tell me where you're going nether will your mum because she thinks it's best if you tell me..."I argued back

"It will become more clear in the future...especially if we carry on in the future and you'll thank me for it"he said I shook my head

"I'm confused why you can't tell me where you're going and why now though!"I said and he instantly replied back

"I'm going to America! To meet a friend! Okay! He came once to the uk ages ago but he said I should go and see him...my mum and dad have saved up loads for me my dad and my brother to go..my mum is staying with Anna! Happy!"he said angrily

"But why does it effect the future! Conor I don't understand!"I said confused out of my mind...he looked at me and he sighed and stop packing and sat in his bed

"Just don't worry okay...it's all going to be fine"he said

"I'm going to worry conor you're my boyfriend and where inseparable"I said

"You think a day will go by when I'm there not thinking about you? Babe I'll be thinking about you 247...it's going to be harder for me than it is for you believe me"he said and I looking in his clear blue eyes and I looked down and sighed

"I'll do anything for you to stay?"I said and looked up at him with puppy eyes

"Those puppy dogs are might work
sometimes but not like this but maybe if you give me an example to make me stay it might work?"he smirked

"Sex?"I said laughing and he laughed

"I can't believe I'm going to say no to that and you would also be lying"he said laughing and got up and carried on packing...I need a way to make him stay or go with him

"Jack!"I shouted...this might work

"What?"he yelled moodily

"Come here please!"I shout and I hear him sigh and stomp all the way to his brothers room

"Please let me have you're plane ticket to America"I said giving him the puppy dog eyes

"Puppy dog eyes won't work on me...and no I'm spending my break far away as the gloomy uk anytime possible"he said I sighed

"Why do you have to both leave me!"i wined

"Evie! You're mums here wondering where you are!"I hear conor and jack's mum Helen shout from downstairs I look at my phone and there like 8 miss calls from my mum I look up at conor

"When do you leave again?"I said jack laughed and walked back to his room

"Tomorrow..."He said

"Just give me a minute I have to say bye to conor!"I shout back and I got up and hugged him I really wanted to cry

"I call you everyday I promise...I'll text you the best times to ring me"he said

"Please remember there a time difference"I laughed he realised

"Oh yeah..I'll work it out if I can"he said laughing and I nodded

"Okay"I said and we looked into each other eyes and I burst out crying

"Conor please don't leave me here!"I sobbed and he brought me to his chest

"I have to baby girl"he said and he cupped my face and made me look up at him and he kissed me

Last time I'll kiss him until weeks...

Next day at 6:00 am
Conor pov
I cant believe I'm going to Tampa Florida to see anth! It's been ages since he came over to Brighton he's like my brother from another mother and as I walk downstairs with my suitcase me and jack say goodbye to my mum and get in the car with my dad

"Shotgun!"jack said

"Fuck off"I said moodily because I was about to say it

"Conor! What have I said!"my dad said warning me about my language

"Sorry"I said and rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking jack gave me a smug smirk that he was in the front and we started making our way to Heathrow airport

Great and hour and 20 minutes stuck in the back of a car

Later on...
"How long?"jack asked while we was sat in a Starbucks waiting to board the plane

Five minutes ago you asked and I said  twenty five minutes, do the maths"my dad said he signed

"Can I look around?"I asked he nodded

"Conor I'm coming"he said and we went into duty free and I got a text from evie

Evie x-miss not texting you asking to come round :( xx

I'm starting to miss her even if I'm looking forward to this trip..

"Evie makes this hard.."I sighed

"Awh someone missing a girl for once"jack teased

"She practically the best girlfriend anyone could ask for...obviously I'm going to miss her"I said

"Definitely hot"jack said and I looked at him and pushed him and then carried on looking at all the chocolates

"I mean bro, you've been so excited for this trip since last year..so forget about her and enjoy yourself in Florida besides it will might get you somewhere in life..does evie know about you're youtube?"jack asked

"No I've kept it quite...I'll let her find it her self"I said...I've been doing YouTube for a bit now only started and little bit before evie moved to the school I grew a little bit of a following

"Yeah true...I mean what are you going to do?"I laughed

"I dunno if your successful might use that to get a following on my own YouTube one day...I can imagine me with like one million subscribers maybe doing my own music with you and starting my own tour...I'd love it"jack said I looked at him weird

"Keep dreaming bro"I said patting him on the shoulder

"Boys, might as well make it to the gate"my dad said and we followed behind him and I text evie back

To Evie x-I'll be back before you know it babe <3 xx

This is it...a boost in my future career...singing

So there you go I hope you enjoyed if you did please vote and comment and I'll shall see you soon bye-evie xx

Opposite attract (Conor Maynard fanfic) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now