I'm always here

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Next day...
Conor POV
Walking to school with the boys and as we come up to Evie place I saw her walking to school on her own...guess I'm going to scare her again as the boys was talking I walked a bit faster to keep up with Evie walking speed

"Pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking on her own"I said she jumped a little and realised it was me and shook her head

"Oh really, why cant I walk on my own?"she asked

"In case I come along"I hear a voice say and it was...harry fuck sakes

"I had no idea you was dating each other the last time I saw you both"Harry said walking with us

"Conor!"I hear jack yell I turned around I nodded to say I'm fine on my own

"I'll meet you at school"i said and turned back to them

"Come on! Speak up are you dating or not!"Harry said

"Yeah! Got problem?"I said cockily back

"Me? Nah she'll soon realise what a dick you are bet she hasn't had sex with you yet!"he said Evie looked down

"Oh my god! She hasn't!"he teased and Evie seemed to shy I let go of her hand and I went to push Harry but he stepped out the way and smirked

"Temper eh?"he said and his mates started shouting his name and to come over and he looked back at Evie who looked at him

"Cya later on tonight babe"he said winking I was at my boiling point almost in anger and then he looked at me and smirked and ran to his mates

"Prick"I said and I looked at Evie

"What a great start to the day"she mumbled I stopped her

"Hay...forget about him, you take your time I don't have an issue with it"I said

"Yeah but other people make it out to be an issue"she said and she was looking down and I saw tears drip onto the floor I pulled her into her a hug

"I'm not like the girls you use to meet conor"she sobbed

"I know...you're better for me"I said and she didn't say anything she sobbed into me

"Come on...you don't want to be late to school, I mean I don't give a shit but you do"I said she laughed a little and let go of my hug and she wiped her face she so cute Bless her

"Makeups ruined....I'll sort it in registration"she mumbled and eventually we made it into school and I walked her to her registration room and saw caspar and joe about to walk in

"Boys"I said and they turned around and stopped and saw Evie had been crying

"What's Harry said now?"joe sighed Evie looked down I shook my head

"Just being a dick"joe said I nodded

"Just don't talk about it...look after her yeah?"I said they nodded

"Yes boss"Caspar joked and they walked away and I turned around and bumped into...Harry I gave him a death glare

"Embarrassed her like that? Watch you're back prick"I said bluntly to him

"Embarrassed? She should be embarrassed all ready she dating you! I bet I could get that bitch in my bed if she was mine but she chose you and that was a mistake...she'll realise I'll fuck her life up in this school unless she starts dating me!"he said and walked off but I tripped him up he turned to me and I smirked and he chased me I ran downstairs as fast as I could and I sprinted down the hall and opened the door to my registration and I saw alex there laughing

Opposite attract (Conor Maynard fanfic) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now