Chapter 3: Plane ride

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Here's Chapter 3! Enjoy! Comment and vote please! Love you!

I like pie. kbye.

Chapter 3

*Jessica's POV

I opened the door, smiling. I had expected Durrah to come late. So yesterday, I lied to her so that we could have breakfast together.

"Oh my gosh, Jess. I am so sorry about coming late beacuse my phone was screwed up. And I had to go to the supermar-' She started talking very fast, I couldn't make out the what she was saying.

'It's fine. Come on in. Let's have breakfast," I assured her and invited her in.

"Wha??! But we're late!" She stood rooted outside my apartment with an annoyed face.

"I lied. I knew you were going to be la-" Something tackled me and suddenly my ribs started to hurt. Durrable was tickling me.

"You absolute idiot!" she screamed. I started laughing uncontrollably. Suddenly, a shadow formed above us. Durrah noticed this and tackled my mother.

"Mooooom, I'm going to miss you!" She shouted, hugging my mum tightly. I rolled  my eyes. Durrah called my mom, 'Mom' because we were best friends, what do you expect? My mom patted Durrah's back.

"Uh, yea, me too," she replied.

"So, what is for breakfast?' Durrah asked, releasing her grip from my mom. Now, my mom rolled her eyes.

"It's in the kitchen,' mom replied. Durrah rushed to the kitchen in a swift moment.

"Wait, did you just had breakfast at home?" i asked beacuse knowing her, eating is always her number one priority just like me.

"Yeap. but beacuse of you, it was not enough,' she said from the kitchen, emphasising on the 'You'.

"Nothing's ever enough for you," I rolled my eyes for the secondth time.

*   *    *    *    *    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 

At the airport.

'MOM! i said I'm going to be fine!" I said, I think for the thousanth time.

"Okay,fine. Go, have fun, study hardand don't come home married! I know your ways!" She hugged me tightly. I rolled my eyes. Moms.....

"I expect you to Skype me tomorrow night. Both of you. Okay?" My Mom said, snagging me at the hand and pulling me towards my laugages.

"If you need anything, call me, okay?" She said again. I slouched and sighed.

"Yes, Ma'am." I said, sarcastically.

I looked over to Durrah and her family. Durrah was hugging her mother. More like her mother hugging her. Durrah grinned and poked her mom in the ribs. Her mom let out a squeal and stepped back.

My mom snapped my hands and screamed, "GROUP HUG!!!" My mom chuckled and sped off to hug Durrah and her family. I rolled my eyes at my childish mom and joined the very big group hug.

"Can't.Breathe." I heard someone murmur. I turned and saw Durrah right under my butt. Yes, my butt. I untangled myself in order to save my bestfriend.

"Okay, everybody DISPERSE!" 

I let go of everybody and tried to stand up right but ended up my butt instead.

Everybody were starring at us like we were maniacs. Durrah was right under me, and Danish, somehow ended up on top of me.

"Danish, get off!" I screamed.God, he was a pig. He gave a cheeky grin and got up. Oh, fina- Ooph. Danish landed on me again. That's why that grin was for.

"You do know all the impact is on me, right?" Durrah shouted. Oops, yeah. I pushed Danish off and got up. 

After getting weird looks from almost everyone in the airport, we had to leave. There were crying and weeping when we said our goodbyes. Durrah and I finally boarded the plane and we were off to our new beginning and life.

"Gosh, I'm glad we're finally flying off to London and in about 24 hours, we get to see One Direction!" Durrah squealed, pulling on my hair, obviously excited. I decided to play along and look like an idiot as well.

"HECK CARE MEET ONE DIRECTION. WE GET TO LIVE WITH ONE DIRECTION!!" I screamed, resulting in people giving the death glare; again. If looks could kill, Durrah and I would probably be dead by now.

 "Crazy teens, talking about something that will never happen." A grumpy old man sneered. 

I grinned. That old guy has no idea of what's going on and he's assuming. Durrah snorted at him, flicking her shoulder length hair dramatically. 

A few hours later, Durrah was snoring soundly in her seat and I was munching on some peanuts. I reached into the packet to get more but all I got was air. Shoot. I pressed the button for service and this time, instead of a mean middle aged woman, out came a young girl around 21ish. She smiled at me.

"How may I help you?" She asked. 

"A packet of peanuts, please. Actually make that 3 packets." I said, licking my salty fingers. 

She nodded and spoke up again, "I heard you're going to stay with One Direction. I absolutely love them." She said. I smiled and nodded. 

"I am a huge fan of theirs. I love all of them. But I think the blonde one is ugly and the one in stripes can't sing."I gasped. She called herself a directioner?! All I could think was, "Bitch, you got 5 seconds to run." 

The flight attendant, suddenly realising my expression, hurried off, not looking back. She did not come to give me my peanuts, the mean middle aged woman did. Good, she better be scared. Nobody talks bad about my boys!

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