Chapter 7

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Hey everyone, this is chapter 7. This chapter is dedicated to OpheliacInWonderland cause she's awesome. Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

I woke up with the same headache as the previous day. Was it ever going to go away? I looked to the side to see that Jenna wasn’t in her bed, but then I heard the movement of water in the bathroom. Ah yes I remembered, she said that she was going to have a bath in the morning.

I lifted myself up and sat facing the wall. They were an off white colour, like a cream, boring colour. Why couldn’t anywhere be colourful?! It was 8.31am. I got myself out of the covers and stood up. Going over to the chest of drawers, I picked up some tablets and made my way to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of cold water and swallowed them down.

My hands began trembling, the glass slipped right through my weak hands. It landed on the floor in what seemed like slow motion. The glass smashed into a thousand pieces and the remaining water quickly ran across the wooden floor.

I just stared at the floor. I didn’t even try to clean the mess up. I don’t know why, but I just didn’t. I heard footsteps come from the other room and into the kitchen. I lifted my head up to see Jenna in the doorway in her dressing gown.

“What happened? Are you ok?” Jenna asked, looking worried.

“I don’t know, the glass just… slipped. I’m sorry” I replied.

“Don’t worry about it, go and get dressed and things, I’ll clean this up” Jenna said.

“Thank you.” I replied.

I walked into the bathroom and splashed some water onto my face. Lifting my head up to the mirror, a ghostly face stared back at me. My skin was so pale, my eyes were dark and I just looked awful. I brushed my teeth before going to the wardrobe to choose what to wear.

“I’ve laid out some clothes for you on the bed” Jenna shouted from the bedroom.

“Oh thanks Jen” I said, grabbing my clothes and changing in the walk in wardrobe. That day I was wearing some ¾ denim jeans, a peach blouse and some converse. I brushed my curly hair and decided to leave it down, my arms were too weak to lift up and style my hair properly.

“How about a nice cooked breakfast from Jenna this morning eh” Jenna said.

“That would be nice” I replied. “But not too much food, I still don’t feel 100%.”

“Are you up for going to the town today?” she asked, while making a pancake.

“Yes, I feel a little better” I lied. I didn’t want to stop Jenna from doing something she wanted to just because of me. After all, we did pay a lot of money for this holiday and it would be throwing a lot of money away if we didn’t even do anything.

“We can take a taxi if you like, I mean it’s too far for you to walk with you feeling unwell and things” Jenna suggested.

“Ok” I said. I placed my head down on the table and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

I woke up startled from the sound of a plate being placed on the table. Sat on the plate was one pancake, sprinkled with sugar and a small cup of syrup on the side.

“How long was I out?” I asked Jenna, feeling curious.

“About 15 minutes, I decided to leave you have that quick snooze” she said.

Was it normal, just falling asleep anywhere?

Jenna sat down at the other end of the table with her plate sat in front of her, piled with a huge stack of pancakes with chocolate sauce. The room was silent, except for the sound of forks scraping on a plate.

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