Chapter 8

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Hey everyone, so this is chapter 8. Sorry it's a little short, enjoy! :)

Helz :) xx

Sitting in the taxi on the way back to the hotel I had the sensation to be sick. I had not long finished eating my mint ice cream and I felt my stomach tying in knots, my throat going all weak.

“Stop the taxi!” I shouted, placing my hand over my mouth.

The taxi stopped quickly and Jenna’s face was in pure shock as I opened the door and stood at the side of the pavement. I threw up and then the whole world went black.

Jenna’s POV

 Her body just lay there, limp and lifeless.

“Help!” I shouted to the taxi driver.

He rushed out and leant down to face Drew, he checked her pulse as she was drifting in and out of consciousness.

“She’s ok, don’t panic. Has she got any medication with her?” the driver asked.

“The nurse said she had a slight fever, and yes she has some in her bag” I replied.

I climbed into the taxi, rummaged through Drew’s bag and eventually found some tablets. While conscious, she managed to swallow them down with water, but she still seemed out of it.

We lifted her into the taxi and lay her across three seats, and then we set off for the hotel.

I really didn’t know what was wrong with Drew, I was really worried. I’d never seen her ill before and I was just crossing my fingers that she was going to be ok. Just looking at her so weak made me feel scared.

I gazed through the window, admiring this beautiful country. It was even more magnificent than what it’s made out to be. I and Drew had traded places that day, she was the one sleeping and I was the one awake. Then I remembered.


I grabbed my phone out of my bag and dialled his number. I was shaking as the phone rang.

“Hello,” a voice answered.

“Hi Jake, its Jenna,” I said.

“Oh, it’s you. Hi” he replied coldly.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, feeling hurt.

“Nothing. How are you?” he asked in a rushed tone.

“I’m ok, look about yester-“I began, being cut off by Jake.

“Look it doesn’t matter, stop going on about things you’re annoying ringing me every minute” he replied, shouting down the phone.

“I only ring you all the time because I love you” I replied, a tear falling down my face.

“Well I don’t love you back” he said quickly. “Your friend is always ruining things.”

“No she isn’t that’s just a stupid excuse” I said. “Tell me the truth.”

“I met someone else” he said.

My whole body froze and tears ran down my face. “In three days?!” I shouted.

“Yes, I’m sorry Jenna” he said apologetically.

“I don’t want your apology, it’s over!” I replied. Slamming the phone down and placing my phone back in my bag, I closed my eyes and shut the world out because I didn’t want to think about what just happened.

Opening my eyes I realised we were just outside the hotel. I grabbed both mine and Drew’s bags and gave them to the hotel assistant to take them to our room. I and the taxi driver were greeted by Barbara, the nurse.

“Hi Jenna, I’m just going to check her over to see what’s wrong with her,” Barbara said.

After ten minutes we all helped place Drew on a stretcher.

“She’s ok, she is conscious but in a deep sleep. Take her back to your room and rest for a few days,” she said. “She will be back up and moving in no time with plenty of rest and medication.”

She wheeled Drew through the lobby, into the elevator, through the corridor and into our room. We placed her onto the bed.

“Thank you nurse,” I said. “Oh and could you thank the taxi driver for me if he’s still there please.”

“Of course dear, look after her. Goodbye now,” she replied, walking out of the door.

The room was silent, except for the noise of Drew snoring very faintly. I took my bought items out of my bags and placed them in the wardrobe and on the shelves; I did the same for Drew.

I sat down on the sofa, and then it hit me. The phone call.

I couldn’t believe it, I went on holiday for three days and he already finds another girl. I just didn’t get it. He wasn’t worth it, I thought to myself. But that didn’t stop tears falling from my eyes.

It was heart breaking, being together for many years and then BOOM it’s all over. I decided to forget about him for a while and went into the bathroom. I re styled my hair and slid on the couch in the lounge.

After about an hour of watching pointless cartoons that I didn’t even understand, I slid on my bikini and hopped into the Jacuzzi on the balcony.

I just sat there, healing my heart and admiring the sunset. If a picture was captured, it would have been breath taking. The view was incredible. I know it sounds stupid that it took my breath away, but it literally did. It was beautiful.

The sun was gone and the lights of the city started to appear. It was cold, but the water was warm and so tranquil. Glancing at my waterproof watch, I realised it was 7.00pm. I hopped out of the Jacuzzi, dried off and decided to go and check on Drew.

Walking into the bedroom, I realised her eyes were open.

“Hey Drew, are you ok? How long have you been awake?” I asked, stroking her hair.

“I’m ok, I have a headache. Only about two minutes ago. What happened?” she asked.

“You collapsed and you were going in and out of consciousness. The nurse told you to rest for a few days,” I replied.

“Oh,” Drew said. “How did I end up here?”

“We wheeled you up here, you were totally out of it,” I said.

“Did you speak to Jake?” she asked.

“About that… umm... yeah I did. It didn’t go so well,” I replied. “He met someone else, and I ended it.”

“Oh Jenna I’m so sorry,” Drew said.

“Don’t be, he’s not worth it. I have you here with me anyway, I couldn’t ask for anyone better to be on holiday with,” I said. “I’ll look after you until your better.”

We both changed into our PJ’s and decided to have a chilled night in. Both of us weren’t up for a savoury meal so I went to the fridge and piled everything out.

I put on an English movie and we ate some popcorn, chocolate, candy floss, ice cream and sweets. Then we had a good old game of truth and dare and hide and seek.

We were both just so tired after a long day out, and decided to hit the pillow. I rested my head down on the pillow and closed my eyes. I fell into a dream.

 Feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think. Thanks :D

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