Chapter 10

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Hey everyone, so this is Chapter 10. That's all I have to say really, Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

Jenna’s POV

I sat in the same chair, in the same corridor, in the same hospital, for hours. A very uncomfortable chair at that, my back was beginning to ache from the hard seat. I began to take in the features of the hospital.

I looked in front of me to see a white wall, plain old white. On the wall was a clock that read 12.45pm. I must have dozed off. Along the corridor were different rooms, vending machines, drink machines, tables with magazines and more chairs. The corridor was pretty much deserted.

Then it hit me, why I was there.

Drew was ill and I had no idea what was wrong with her.

I decided to get on my feet and storm into the room she disappeared to. There was no one in the room, except for one person. I stood by a tiny reception, with one chubby lady sitting at her desk quietly.

“Excuse me, but are you able to answer a few of my questions?” I asked politely, popping my head over the desk (I wasn’t very tall).

The woman huffed and replied, “Sure.”

“Well firstly, what ward am I in?” I asked curiously.

“This is the intensive care unit dear,” she replied softly.

“Ok, do you know where my friend is? Drew Hutton? She was rushed in a few hours ago and I have no idea what’s wrong with her,” I said. “Can you enquire for me?”

“I’m sorry but I’m not too sure myself, I only deal with appointments, rooms and stuff like that,” she replied.

“Oh… ok,” I said, turning my body towards the door.

“You’re welcome to sit in this room on that chair if you like and wait,” she said, gesturing towards the chair.

“Thanks, that would be nice,” I replied, placing my backside onto the cushion.

The room fell silent. Not an awkward silence, more like a deadly silence. You could cut through the air with a knife.

I didn’t even move, afraid to make a noise with any movement of my body.

Why weren’t there any other people in this place?!

A door opened and a man in a long white coat and a stethoscope around his neck handed some documents to the lady at the reception. I guessed he was a doctor.

They were talking Turkish to each other, incredibly fast. I wished Drew was there, she’d have understood what they were saying.

But they were talking about her.

I heard her name being mentioned, and a sense of panic on the doctor’s face.

“Err, Mr. Doctor? Can you tell me anything about my friend, Drew Hutton? I’ve been sitting here for hours worrying my head off,” I asked.

He looked at me with a face of confusion.

He obviously didn’t speak English. He ran out of the room and the doors swung rapidly behind him. 

I managed to catch a glimpse of the corridor he headed down. It was full of doctors, machines, patients, beds…

I felt useless. I wanted to know what was wrong but everyone was being ignorant and not telling me.

I plonked myself back onto the chair and blew some air into my face, so my then dry hair moved a little. I looked a mess.

My belly grumbled and the reception lady seemed to be aware by the noise coming from my stomach.

“We do have a café dear if you’d like to go, it’s through the doors, straight down and to the left,” she said, smiling at me.

“Thanks, can you inform me if there’s any kind of news on her?” I asked.

“Sure, now you go on ahead and fill that belly of yours,” she replied, pointing towards the door.


I nibbled at my soggy tuna sandwich that I grabbed from the fridge and paid 5 euros for. The bread was cold but the tuna was warm. It did not make sense. I grabbed myself a drink of apple juice and gulped it down all in one.

I sat there with my head in my hands, thinking.

What if Drew was very ill?

I couldn’t bear to think anything bad about Drew, so I erased them thoughts from my mind quickly.

I then came back to reality.

I needed to contact her family.

I fished my white iPhone out of my bag and dialled the number for her home in England. Someone answered after a few rings.

“Hello,” a small male voice replied, it was her brother, Peter.

“Hi Peter, is your mum in?” I asked politely.

“No she’s not, but you can tell me your problem, whatever it is,” he replied. Peter had always had one of them crushes-on-your-sisters-best-friend.

“Well is your dad in?” I asked.

“Err…ummm, he’s… cooking, yeah, cooking!” he replied stuttering.

“Peter, this is serious, hand me to one of your parents, NOW!” I shouted down the line.

“Ok hold your hair on!” he said, shouting in the background for someone to come to the phone.

“Hello,” a soft voice replied.

“Mrs Hutton? Hi it’s Jenna,” I said.

“Hi Jenna are you having a nice time darling?” she replied cheerfully.

“Well, you know Drew phoned you saying she was not very well?” I said, with a tone as if it was a question.

“Yes I remember,” she replied.

“She got worse; she’s been passing out and vomiting. She wouldn’t wake up this morning, we’re in the hospital and she’s in the intensive care unit. They won’t tell me anything because I’m not family. Help Mrs Hutton I’m so worried,” I cried down the line.

A few stutters were heard down the line.

“Not my baby, no!” she replied, crying. It was almost as if you could feel her tears on the phone.

“I think she’s going to be ok,” I lied, to comfort her mother. “She’s a tough cookie you know.”

“We’re getting the next plane there!” she cried, moving in the background.

“Don’t worry Mrs Hutton,” I replied quickly, but before I knew it she was gone.

At that, I placed my phone back into my bag and made my way out through the front doors. All of it was too much to handle.

As the fresh, cool air approached my face, I closed my eyes and swayed a little. My whole world went black. 

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