death of me

127 11 2

Sam P.O.V.

Am I about to die? maybe. Will I go down swinging? all the way.

The being in front of me looked down at me from his obnoxious height and snickered.

The weight of my words finally catching up to me, I start to feel my face overflow with heat.

I could pass for a Christmas tree decoration.

What in all of gay hell is wrong with you Sam! This man could kill you, kill as in the internal cocoon! and you get the urge to be sassy of all things after you basically forced him into the water bucket challenge?!

Hey I never said I was perfect okay!

"What are you"

surprised to be interrupted from my internal panic by the cause of my panic, my eyes quickly jump to his face not quite meeting his eyes out of nervousness and fear.

"umm ..."

How do I stall for enough time to figure of a plan of excape??

By my jitteriness he anticipated my intent and like lightening grabbed me by the back of the neck with his large hand.

Where he touched my skin I felt a pleasant buzz making me involuntarily let a moan slip, out of shock.

My eyes widened as I realized what just happen. I noticed he stopped moving as well and his hand tighten around my neck.

I'm in full panic mode now, what the fuck was that?! Did my dumbass get so scared I somehow got turned on?

Am I a m?

"look at me."

I stiffened at the sound of his voice like someone filled me up with concrete I didn't move even though by the tone of his voice it wasn't an option.

He growled gruffly under his breath and used his other hand to yank my chin up, forcing our eyes to finally meet.

His deep burgundy burned into my soft hazel so intently it drew a whimper close to a whine to tumble from my slightly chapped lips.

The noise had his eyes glancing down at them making me unconsciously lick them.

"What is your name."

He repeated himself seriously this time.

My throat was dry from all that's happened so my reply came out chocked and more horse then I intended.

"S-Sam..who are you?" Because introductions should be a give and take relationship.

For some reason the seriousness left his face frighteningly quickly, being replaced with his cocky smirk he wore previously.

If I had anything to compare it to, I'd say it was like a cat ready to pounce. I swallowed nervously hoping against hope that I wasn't the mouse about to be eaten.

His hands on me were making me slightly drunk off this new sensation that they spread. it was like I was being drugged just by the feel of his hands.

one of his sharp redish eyes winked at me as he leaned in.

"Donavan, it's a pleasure..."

After those words ghosted out of his mouth his lips slammed into mine. Toungs, teeth it was aggressive, dominating
and I would be lieing if I said I wasn't participating.

I was out of my mind, usually when you get forced into a kiss by a stranger you feel disgusted but I was to overpowered by a warmth that was spreading throughout my whole body like it always belonged there.

I didn't notice when he pushed me down until I felt the grass on the back of my head.

His fingers went for the bottom of my shirt and his mouth left me long enough to gather my sinces to push him away.... with a little help of magic.


So here I am sitting frustratingly aroused in a grave yard with a horny and pissed off demonic being that once again I turned into a drown rat.

If he doesn't kill me this time I might me tempted to do it for him fml.


Hey guys! sorry I know it's been forever since I last updated but I was just not inspired, so I'm finally back on my feet now so I hope you liked this chapter.

Hopefully in the next chapter my dear Sam and Donavan will actually have a conversation lol thanks for reading! you guys give me the push I need to finish this! ^^

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