death of you

122 9 15

Sam P.O.V.

chewing my lip nervously as I mopped the dinner floor, my mind was filled with a certain dark haired demon.

The events that happened between us three days ago were re-playing over and over in my head.

After I threw him off me we had a awkward moment of silence, well awkward for me that is, he on the other hand was silently steaming. literally I could see steam coming off him as the water quickly evaporated.

"so... I'm just gonna..."
I bit out quietly as I rose to my feet and hastily walked away.
of course not without him shouting behind me that he'll see me again real soon like some movie villain.

I didn't dare turn around as I practically sprinted home.

Ahhh that was so scary and embarrassing at the same time! what was wrong with me? His lips on mine, the heat...

I felt my face blush just at the thought.

"Hey sam! what are you doing get back to work!"
I was snapped out of my musing by Jessica who was painting her nails behind the counter. Really? me get back to work..

Sighing I put the mop away and finished wiping down all the tables. it was only around ten in the afternoon so the lunch rush should be about here.
The sound of the bell rang as someone came in, my body shuddered before I even had a chance to turn around he was speaking closely in my ear.

"I fooound you baby boy-"

Gasping I spin around I didn't realize just how close to me he was til then. We were standing so close our clothes touched and we were breathing the same air. He was staring down at me with the eyes of a predator sharp and narrowed not giving any amusement I thought would be there by his tone of voice.

"I- how- "

I was chocking and tripping all over myself. He seemed smug about my useless attempt to spite out actual words.

"Same! For the last time what the hell are you doing!"
Jessica yelled again her eyes drifted over to the focus of my attention and possible future murderer and her whole demeanor changed.

Ugh I can't bear to watch this.

I know I should be trying to save her from this stranger I keep getting danger vibes from but I just can't find the motivation.

For some reason though the thought of them together makes me feel like I'm suffocating. Frowning down at the ugly gray tile in concern, maybe I should see a doctor...

"Well hello handsome, welcome to mamas dinner how can I help you?" By the time she's done talking both her hands are around his neck as she leans in to him.

... I've got to get out of here I think I'm going to be sick. What the hell is wrong with me today? Why am I getting so worked up for a stranger? a stranger who I'm pretty sure isn't even human!?

Before I could speed walk out the door and probably be fired my forearm was grabbed, I let a little shout leave my lips in surprise. I was dragged into a warm chest and held tightly so even if I wanted to escape I didn't have a chance. A deep rumble in front of me had me craning my head up.

"You're not going anywhere baby boy."

I swallowed hard at the power in his voice the only thing I could do was nod.

"I'm excuse me?! Sam what are you doing? Are you gay?! Thats disgusting your going to hell!"

The man holding me captive seemed to be amused by that an let out a laugh which was far more frighting then anything he could've said.

All I could think about was how my life was going to be like hell when Jessica spreads that rumor about me at school tomorrow.

"You never saw me today, do you understand. I'll be taking Sam here cover for him won't you.." Donavon said staring at Jessica his purple eyes glowing slightly.
My mouth fell open in shock. What the hell?! Jessica just nodded turning around and started working, actually working!

In my frozen state of shock I was dragged outside in the autumn weather. Oh Lord have mercy on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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