Chapter 41.

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I spend almost the entire first hour looking at Four.

His appearance itself is enough to make anyone go crazy. His silent and somber conduct never fails to get my attention.

He hasn't looked at me once since he walked through the door, but I'm more than grateful that he hasn't.

Every time he looks at me, my stomach rolls over and causes me stress. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad stress, but I know it's changed me.

I'm not the same Hunter I was a month ago when I started high school. I look the same, and still slightly different. The choices I make aren't the same and I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

When the bell rings, as always, Four is the first to get up and get out of his seat. Pushing some people, he's always the first person to leave, while i'm the last.

I'm surprised when I see that Four is waiting outside class, leaning against the wall.

"Hey", he smiles and looks at me. He doesn't have the lighter in his hand as usual.

"Hi" I walk up to him and put my backpack on.

"You don't have a million books in your backpack this time, do you?", he provokes me and I fight to repress the smile that threatens to form on my lips.

"No, most of them are in my locker", I say.

When I look up and see the smile on his face, I stop fighting mine, and smile.

"I like it when you smile," he says, his face showing sincerity.

"W-What?" He caught me off guard with his compliment.

"I said I like it when you smile, it looks good on you", his smile gets even bigger when I look him in the eyes.

"Oh thank you, I like your smile too", the words escape from my mouth before I can stop myself. His smile transforms into a satisfied grin as he takes a step towards me.

"I'm sure you like a lot of things about me."

"Don't get so cocky" I take a step back but accidentally trip over someone who is walking behind me. "Oh I'm sorry!" I tell him when I turn around.

They don't say anything in response, they just keep going down the hall. When I turn back around, Four isn't where he was a second ago. He isn't anywhere, as if he had disappeared.

I look around for a few seconds, but he's nowhere in sight. I try not to think about it and continue my way to the next class. When I'm walking, I hear a voice coming from the speakers in the hallway.

"Hello students, this is the president of the last course, Abbie! Tomorrow is the last day to vote for the king and queen of the welcome dance! Make sure you hand in your ballot by the end of the day tomorrow and leave it your teachers in the back of the class. The dance is this Saturday, the thirteenth of October, and the theme this year will be "Under the sea." You can buy your masks at the box office until Friday, the day before the dance."

I mentally vomit just thinking about the dance. I've never really been to any of those dances, but it's not like I planned to go. The thought of dressing in a five hundred dollar dress and getting ready to be as beautiful as possible isn't something that catches my attention. I prefer to stay at home watching a movie and eating popcorn.

Regina went to each dance every year with a different boy each time, and always tried to convince me to go, but I rejected her repeatedly. Plus no one ever bothered to ask me to be their date, so it made even less sense.

I walk to my second class looking at the hanging posters. Half of them are related to the welcome dance. "Under the sea, Saturday October 13! And #yovo! You only vote once!

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