Chapter 4.

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"Why were you talking to him?" I face the person who is speaking to me.

Four is against the wall of the bar, turning his lighter on and off.

"What do you care?" I cross my arms as I face him. I know he's talking about Trip.

"I just asked a question, you don't need the attitude," he says. I'm not, i'm just asking a question like him.

"I don't have an attitude," I say, with annoyance to my tone. Maybe it's bad manners, but who cares. I don't even know him.

"Well, stay away from him. You don't need to talk to him," he says.

"Who are you to tell me who I can or can not talk to? You're not my father," I say. What the hell? I don't even know him and he's telling me what to do.

"And here's that attitude ," he says as he rolls his eyes. Now it's him who has an attitude . It's really annoying, and I can't stand when people tell me what to do.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do," I say.

"Whatever," he says, as he rolls his eyes softly again.

"Whatever," I imitate him, before heading to my car. What's wrong with him? Why can't he focus on his own problems?

It continues to rain intensely as I go towards the car, it's one of those thick rains that gets everywhere. Every drop of water penetrates my clothes. I get in the car quickly and close the door. I take the keys and I try to start the car, but something happens. The car makes a strange noise and doesn't start. It's weird, why isn't it starting? I take out the key, I put it back in, but the car still doesn't work. I hit the steering wheel, frustrated, and the car honks

It probably was not the best idea, because then Four looks at the car and watches. Why doesn't he just mind his own business? I don't need him sniffing at my problems.

I relax a little, I take the key out of the ignition and wait a couple of seconds before trying again. I slowly turn the key and, of course, the same thing happens again. The car makes a strange sound and doesn't start. This has never happened to me before.

I don't know how to fix it, should I call someone to pick me up? My dad would freak out if he sees me at the bar.

I'll call Matt, I suppose. I take my phone out of my bag and go searching my contacts to find him. I hi the call button and wait. He answers me after a couple of rings.

"Hunter?" he asks me confused. This is probably the first time I've called, we usually send messages.

"Hey Matt, what are you doing?" I ask him. Hopefully he isn't busy and can come and get me.

"I'm out with the baseball team, why?" he answers me

"Um, I was just wondering if there's some homework for math," I lie. I don't want him to leave his friends to come for me to a bar, besides, I would feel quite embarrassed.

"Uh, no, I don't think so."

"Ok, thanks, sorry for bothering you," I say politely.

"Don't worry, hey, where were you during lunch?" he asks me. I hoped he hadn't noticed my absence with all the people who were with him.

"I left the school to get some lunch, I didn't wanna eat what's in the cafeteria" I say. I can't let him know that I was eating alone in the bathroom.

"Oh I see, well, see you tomorrow," he says before hanging up. Great.

Who am I going to call now so I can go home? Let's see, I suppose I could ask Four. But, no, I'm not going to ask him, I don't need his help. I get out of the car and walk back to the bar. Four is still against the wall playing with his lighter.

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