Chapter 10

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Isabella lead me through the house and into a bedroom. The house was quite big and was furnished with expensive items. Gold covered most of everything. It was either gold or something covered in gold. Sunlight filtered in through wall windows. Most of the house was just windows.

Once in the bedroom Isabella stripped to her undergarments and opened a dresser. She pulled out bikinis and laid them on the bed. I never worn a bikini before. I haven't worn a swimsuit since my father was killed a sea. He's death is mostly why I'm afraid of water.

"Hmm." Isabella said as she looked at me. "I'll have to see if I can found a top that fits you. These are mine and my chest isn't as big as yours." She walked over to me carrying tops and handed them to me. "Here try these. I'm going to go look in one of the other girl's room. The bathroom is right there."

She left the room as I walked to the bathroom and sat the tops on the sink. I slid to the floor as pain spread throughout my chest. My back rested against the wall as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I couldn't cry. Not now. Not in front of Isabella who doesn't know I love Thomas. Isabella must be Thomas ex. Will and Thomas talked about her before, said that she was a bitch. Thomas said that she cheated on him. If she did why is he back with her? Or did he use me to cheat on her?

"Hey Tessa. I think these tops will fit you."

I opened the door and handed Isabella her tops as she passed more to me. It was a black pair and the other was white. I slipped into the black one as she came back to the door.

"Do they fit?"

"Yes." I said and opened the door.

I sat my clothes on her bed as she looked at me. Her eyes stayed on my chest and I looked down to see if maybe it didn't fit.

"Wow. Your chest looks great. Dylan will like it. Here's a wrap." She said and handed me the cloth and I slipped it on. Least I can cover myself up. "I'm glad Thomas doesn't like big boobs. Does Dylan like yours?"

"Yeah. He likes them."

"How about sex? Is Dylan any good. He seems like he'd be good at sex. Thomas is good, actually he's one of the best I ever had." Isabella said and lead me back outside.

"Dylan is excellent." I said and I wanted to throw up.

This conversation was making me want to puke. Her telling me how good Thomas is in bed, when I know he's good. Me having to says Dylan is good, when I'd never sleep with him.

We walked back outside and Isabella walked to the pool as I walked over to Dylan who was sitting next to Thomas. Thomas turned his head and his eyes found me. He mouth dropped opened as I walked towards him. Movement caught my eye and I looked at Dylan.

He kept raising his arms to his shoulders and acting like he was pulling something off. He kept nodding his head at me and repeating the movement.

He wants me to take the wrap off. Isabella yelled something and I turned to look at her. As I turned my head the cloth slipped off my shoulders and down to my elbows. I turned back to Thomas and he straightened his back and took a deep breath. He began to tap his fingers on his knees as I stopped in front of Dylan.

Dylan placed his hands on my waist, on top of the fabric. He smiled up at me as I tangled my fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck. His hair was very soft.

"Do I look ok?" I asked him.

"You look beautiful, Tessa." He said and leaned closer to me.

"Tessa, your just pretending to date." Thomas said and turned towards us.

"I know." I said and turned to look at him. "I'm also not dating you."

He looked down at the ground. I was glad that he felt hurt. He has hurt me enough and it is now time for him to feel pain.

"Tessa. Can you put sunscreen on my back?" Dylan asked and handed me a bottle.

I took the bottle from him and moved to sit behind him. I could feel Thomas's eyes on me as I squeezed lotion on to my hand. I may have squeezed too much, so once I finished his back I put it on his chest and some on his face.

"I already put lotion there." He said and wiped it off his cheek and put it on my thigh.

"I don't need sunscreen. I don't burn." I said and giggled as Thomas glared at Dylan.

"You two only have to pretend for a couple days and then we're leaving." Thomas and raised his hands as if he was going to touch me. His hands then dropped to his side as Isabella yelled.

"Thomas come swim with me!"

He got up with a sigh and walked over to the pool. I rubbed the sunscreen in as Dylan's hands went back to my waist. Once I straightened up he leaned backwards and pulled me with him. His back hit the chair and I hovered over him as my face got red.

"Dylan!" I hissed. "I'm not laying on you." I whispered.

"Come on. I'll make Thomas jealous. This is how you get back at him."


I laid next to him as his hands stayed on my waist. I brushed hair off my face as he locked his hands around my waist. He smiled at me as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Is he looking at us?"

"Yes. He doesn't look happy."

I laughed and moved closer to him. I flung a leg over him and Dylan laughed and told me how angry Thomas was getting. I really wish I could see his face.

"How long are we staying here?"

"At least a week."

"Well, Isabella will probably be dead by the end of this week."

Dylan laughed and rubbed my back. Still only touching the cloth. I closed my eyes as I placed my hand on his chest.

"Why are you going to kill her?"

"She keeps telling me how good Thomas is in bed. Then she wanted to know how good you were."

"Hey! We have more company." A man yelled.

Dylan sat up and he pulled me up too. He pressed himself against me as I looked at the group of heavy set man that were walking towards us.

"Papa." Isabella yelled as she got out of the pool.

Apart ~Thomas Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now