Chapter 18

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"Tessa wake up. It's late and you need to eat breakfast." Thomas said and shook my shoulder.

I groaned and opened my eyes. Thomas stood over me and brushed hair off my cheek. He smiled as I rolled over and his hands went to my back as he stopped me from rolling off the couch. I sat up and moved away from him and he frowned.

"Britt is here. Her and Dylan are you know." He said and waved his hand. "They said they'd be meet us down at breakfast. If you want to go."

"I'll get dressed."

I stood and placed the comforter on the couch and pulled Thomas's shirt down since I was bunched up at my waist. I turned around and Thomas was staring at the ground.

I walked passed him and into the bedroom and opened my suitcase. I have not shorts to wear only dresses. I sighed as I looked through my dress as Thomas sat on his bed running his fingers through his hair. My mint green dress laid at the bottom of the suitcase and I stood holding that dress and walked to the bathroom.

I left the bathroom in search of sandals. Hopefully I had some and don't have to wear Nike sneakers with my dress. I bent over my suitcase and her Thomas take a deep breath.

"Tessa your sandals are in my suitcase. You forgot to pack them. They're sitting on top of my bags."

He pointed at his bags and my sandals were sitting on top. I slipped a pair on as Thomas got up and walked to the door. We walked down the hall to the elevator in silence.

Once in the elevator I stood in the corner and Thomas stood next to me. His hands were gripping the rail that ran along the length of the cart. He stood staring at the ground.

"That's a nice dress." He said.

"I wore it before. Do you not remember?"

"I do. I just never told you I liked it."

The doors opened and two heavyset men walked in and both of there eyes went to my chest. Thomas moved over to give them room and he stood in front of me.

Why did my luggage have to get lost? Why? I'll have to wear dresses the rest of the trip until I go home and buy new clothes.

The doors opened on the lobby and Thomas grabbed my hand and lead me out of the elevator. Once we got to the dining area he let go and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to get away from those men."

"It's fine."

I got in line for food and Thomas stood behind me. I loaded my plate with eggs, bacon, toast and a muffin. I grabbed a bottle of water and found a table. I sat down and opened the water. Thomas sat down across from me and dumped a hand full of small plastic containers.

"I got butter." He said.

"Thomas that's cream, for coffee."

"What? Really?" He said and picked up at container.

"I'll go get butter." I said and stood.

"I can." He began and stood up and grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking away.

"Thomas I can get it."

I walked away and back to the buffet. I searched for the butter until a man turned around and gave me a hand full with a smile.

¡Gracias!" I said and walked back to the table.

Thomas was still alone and he smiled at me as I sat back down. I began to eat my food in silence. Thomas was looking around the room as I stared down at my plate.

"I forgot to ask, why is your hair brown?" I asked and looked at him.

"Just wanted to dye it. I've done it before."

"Is that how she likes your hair?"

He didn't answer just stared down at his plate. I lost my appetite and just began to use my fork to cut my bacon into small pieces.

I was getting angry. He said that he didn't love her. But he goes in dyes his hair for her, because she likes it brown.

"Morning." Dylan said as he and Britt stopped at the table.

"Morning." Thomas said as Britt sat down next to me.

"Hi Tessa. I finally get to meet you!" Britt said and gave me a hug. "That dress is really pretty. Dylan you didn't tell me I had to dress up." She said and glared at him.

"No. No. I lost my one suitcase. It had all my shorts and t-shirts. I'm stuck wearing dress."

"It's a very nice dress. Dylan can you get me food?" She asked and smiled up at him.

"Yeah." He said and kissed her cheek.

He left and the table was again silent. I stared down at my plate and picked at my food. I still had no appetite even though when I came down here I was starving.

"We should go to the beach. Get some tanning done." Britt said and tapped my arm.

"Tessa doesn't like to swim." Thomas said.

"That's ok. I said we tan. You and Dylan can go swimming." She said and glared at him.

"What about me swimming?" Dylan asked as he sat a plate of food and juice down in front of Britt.

"We're going to the beach after breakfast."

"Sounds good."

"That bikini looks good on you Tessa. Really shows your chest." She said and laughed as I glared at her.

I laid back in a pool chair as Dylan put sunscreen on Britt. Thomas stood next to me trying to get sunscreen on his back.

"Tess could you get my back please?" Thomas asked and look at me.

"Yeah. Just sit."

He sat down next to me as I rubbed the lotion crossed his back. Once I was done he stood and asked if I wanted him to put some on my back.

"I don't burn."

"Yeah. But you will be sitting in the sun all day. You should put some on."

"Fine." I said and sat up.

He sat down behind me and began to rub my back as he handed the bottle to me. I distracted myself by putting the lotion on my legs and arms.

"Come on! I want to go swimming." Dylan said and threw a towel at Thomas. "Are you coming Britt?"

"No. I'm going to sit with Tessa."

Thomas got up and I sat back down and closed my eyes. The boys left and said they be back later. Britt sighed as someone shook my shoulder.

"Miss have you decided on a drink?" The man asked.


"Yes." He said and picked a menu up off the table next to me.

I took the menu from him as Britt looked over my shoulder. The drinks were all alcohol. Just want I need to forget about Isabella.

"I'll have a Guaro cocktail." I said and smiled at the man.

"Make that two." Britt said and she sat back down and the man left with a smile.

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