Chapter 12

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I woke to sunlight and stretched my arms out and found no Thomas. I groaned and rolled over on to my back. I sat up with a shout because the sheets were wet. Rain had come in from the window and soaked the sheets. Thomas must had fallen asleep like I did. I rubbed my eyes and noticed the pile of my clothes at the end of the bed.

My heart started to beat faster as I thought of London. I woke up to my clothes at the end of the bed.

I grabbed the clothes and saw that they were just pajamas. A tank top and pair of shorts. I took a deep breath and pulled the clothes on and got out of bed.

I fixed my hair and the heat was already annoying. The humidity was horrible and I kinda missed the rain in New York.

I left the room and found the stairs. From the top of the stairs I could hear Dylan's voice. I walked down the stairs as I noticed the love bites on my thighs. He could not keep his hands off me last night. His hands roamed my body as if he would never touch me again. I eventually fell asleep to him kissing my chest, which probably is all marked up.

I turned to the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks. Thomas was holding Isabella to him as they spun around the kitchen and she leaned in and kissed him. Dylan sat at the counter with a disgusted look.

That's what I was afraid of. Everything Thomas said last night was a lie. I'm so stupid and naive. Like he said in London, he only wanted in my pants.

I want to back out of the kitchen and go back upstairs, but Dylan turned and noticed me. He gave me a sad smile as he slid off the stool and walked towards me.

"You're finally up Tessa!" He yelled and wrapped his arms around me.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my back and reminded me to make Thomas jealous. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek.

"Can you and I go to the beach. I don't want to be around Thomas."

"Yeah. I'll show you around." Dylan wrapped an arm around my waist and turned to Thomas. "We're going to go change."

"Have fun." Isabella said and giggled.

As we walked back up the stairs the tears started to fall. I would much rather be by myself, because I didn't want Dylan to be disappointed in me. He know that I was with Thomas last night.

Once in Dylan's room he closed the door and locked it, then began to jump on the bed and groaned loudly and pushed the headboard into the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked and rubbed the tears off my cheeks.

"She thinks we're having sex. So, let's give it to her." Dylan said and held his hands out. "Come on Tessa. You need to help. Let Thomas hear you. Imagine how angry he's getting."

I grabbed his hands and stepped onto the bed. I began to jump and copy Dylan's noises as he slammed the headboard into the wall. I giggled as he yelled my name.

"You know guys don't like the hear girls giggle during sex."

"Oh Dylan!" I yelled and he stifled a laugh. "I'm allowed to giggle because we're not sleeping together.

Dylan gave one last groan and then flopped down on the bed. I stepped off the bed and walked over to my suitcases that laid against the closet.

"Tessa. Do you have a dress? One that would turn Thomas on. Like the black dressed the makes, according to Thomas, your chest look great."

"I was told Thomas doesn't like big boobs." I mumbled as I pulled a dress out of my luggage.

The dress was a white sundress, that had small blue flowers on it. The flowers were very small and you only noticed them if you were standing close. The straps tied around my neck and left the back opened. I couldn't were a bra, which isn't the best decision with how big my chest was, but the dress was tight around my chest and it would for sure turn Thomas on, maybe.

"Really? After he saw you at that club, with the black dress, he could not stop talking about your chest."

"That's kinda weird. Talking about me like that." I said as Dylan pointed to the bathroom door.

"Yeah, well we're men Tessa. That's what men talk about. They talk about how nice a girl's chest and ass is. Then tell the girl she has nice eyes and that we look for great personalities." He said as he got up and stripped his shirt off. "Now go get dressed.

"Tessa and I are going for a walk on the beach. I'm going to show her around." Dylan said as we walked back into the kitchen.

Thomas stood by the stove cooking as Isabella kept kissing his neck. Dylan's arm was wrapped around my waist and he kissed my cheek as Isabella turned to look at us.

"I'll go with Tessa and show here around. You two men have man time." Isabella said and walked over to me. "Won't that be fun Tessa? I need some girl time. I'll go get dressed."

"Yeah. That'll be so fun." I said as she walked away and I groaned and leaned against Dylan.

Thomas turned around and looked at me. His eyes scanned my body and lingered on Dylan's arm around my waist. Dylan kissed my cheek and lead me a stool.

"You two enjoy yourselves?" Thomas asked as his eyes went to my chest.

"Oh yes. Didn't we Tessa?" He asked and kissed my cheek.

Thomas glared down at the pot he was scooping scrambled eggs out of, onto three plate. He handed Dylan one and sat one in front of me. I wasn't hungry, so I picked at my food as Dylan leaned his head against my shoulder.

"I should have listened to you Dylan and had not come here. I could have stay in New York." I said and rest my cheek on the top of his head. "I could have moved on dated that guy. I could've had a boyfriend."

The was a crash and I lifted my head up, to see Thomas staring back at me. He was holding a fork filled egg half to his mouth. His plate laid broken on the floor and eggs were scattered around the floor.

"Boyfriend." Thomas whispered.

"Yes. I had a date. He asked me out."

"Boyfriend." He said again and dropped his fork in the sink.

"Tessa are you ready to go?" Isabella asked walking into the kitchen, wearing a dress, which was a sundress too.

"Yeah." I said and slid off the stool, my plate untouched.

"Here's some money Tessa." Dylan said. "Get something nice."

I took the money and wrapped me arms around his neck. His hands went to my waist as he kissed my shoulder.

"If I come back alone, then I killed her and we must leave right away. I would have drowned her in the ocean and we must leave."

He laughed and kissed my cheek. I said goodbye and Isabella linked her arm with mine and we left the house.

"Tell Thomas I'll see him tomorrow. My dad needs my help. I had fun today." She said and waved as she drove off.

"Yeah, so much fucking fun."

It was so fun to listen to her talk about having sex with Thomas. Nice to know the way she likes how Thomas kisses her chest and her wanting to know what Dylan and were doing this morning.

I walked to the kitchen and pulled the bottle of whiskey and tequila out of the cupboard and began to down the tequila.

"Tess." Thomas said walking into the kitchen.

He reached to touch me, but I back away shaking my head. No tears came, because I was so angry at him, for always lying to me. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want to make that same mistake as last night.

"I don't want to fucking talk to you! Leave me the fuck alone." I said as dropped the empty bottle of tequila into the sink.

The bottle shattered as Dylan walked into the room. I opened whiskey and began to drink from that. I slid to the floor as Thomas left the room.

"Tessa." Dylan asked as he knelt in front of me.

"Did I ever tell you what I was thinking during my car accident? Did I ever tell you that I was happy that I was going to die?"

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