Chapter 11

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"Quítate el top." The man said and gestured at my chest.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and smiled. I then turned my head away and leaned on Dylan's shoulder and closed my eyes.

The man's name was Arthur and he was a friend of Isabella's father. He sat in the lounge chair next to Dylan and I and kept telling me to take my top off. I pretended to not understand what he was saying, when in reality I do know Spanish. I learned it in school and my mother was very good with Spanish.

I sat straddling Dylan's right thigh. I couldn't move off I him because his arms were wrapped around my waist ever since Arthur sat next to us. I lifted me head and glanced behind me and met Thomas's eye.

He was in the pool leaning against the wall as Isabella talk to her father. He was angry. His face was in a scowl and his eyebrows were close enough to form lines on his forehead. His mouth was pressed into a thin line and I wanted to smile. I was happy that he was feeling pain. I wanted him to feel what I felt for six months.

"Are you guys staying for dinner? It should be almost done. Gilliam called the cooks before we even got home."

"Yeah. We're staying for dinner. Even though I just want to sleep. It's a long flight to Argentina." Dylan said and the two men began to laugh.

I looked away from Thomas and moved closer to Dylan and smiled down at him. His arms travelled up my back and there was a loud splash and Isabella shrieked at Thomas.

I glanced back to see that he was getting out of the pool. He was even more angry now and I started to feel kinda guilty. Dylan was Thomas's friend, they were best friends and I was making Thomas get mad at Dylan.

Thomas walked towards us and I stood up from Dylan and pulled the wrap back up to my shoulders and crossed my arms over my chest. Arthur's eyes widened as his eyes locked on my chest. Dylan stood and walked in front of me to block his view. I dropped my arms and pulled the wrap to cover my body. Thomas stopped next to Arthur and they began to talk, but Thomas seemed tense around him.

"Time for dinner." Isabella's father called.

Dylan grabbed my hand and lead me into the house and to the dining room. The room had a long table and windows took one whole wall. The view was of a large garden and statues were placed around, but they were too far away to see.

Dylan pulled my chair out for me and we sat down. Arthur sat on my other side and I subtlety moved closer to Dylan. Thomas sat across from me and Isabella hung on him.

A plate of food was sat before me and I turned my attention on and didn't pay much attention to the conversation. Most of it was in Spanish and was about Thomas and Dylan. The man were making fun of them and I realized Thomas and Dylan know very little Spanish.

Then the conversation switch to me. They kept calling me a slut and other sexual names. But I kept my eyes fixed on my plate and pretended that I didn't know what they were staying.

"Here's your suitcases." Dylan said pulling them out of the trunk.

I stood on the steps outside of Thomas's house. His house was huge and sat on top of a hill and had a private drive. I was similar to the other house, except for the huge wall that ran around it. This one had no walls but lots of windows.

I grabbed my suitcases only for Thomas to take them from me. He picked them up and began to walk up the stairs. I looked back at Dylan who just shrugged his shoulders. I grabbed one of Dylan's bags as he closed the trunk and I followed him up.

Once in the house it was huge. Lots of open space and the windows gave a view of the ocean, which was upset. A storm was coming and the waves were huge and the sky was trying black.

Apart ~Thomas Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now