Part 1: My Brother

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"Yah Y/N! Don't be a wimp!" I heard my older brother shout at me while I sat on a high tree branch.

"B-But I'm scared...!" I cried back at him.

"Well Eomma would be finished making dinner soon," He tells me.

"B-But its so high..." I whimpered.

 After some time, he ended up climbed the tree to bring me down.

"Wow, look at that sunset!" He exclaimed.

"Daebak... Its so pretty," I said while admiring the stunning hues.

"Anyways, we better get down to go to dinner," he told me as he glanced at our house in the distance.

"Okay... Taehyung..." I said as he helped me down.

[[End Of Flashback]]

It had been 10 years now since I moved from Korea. I moved away to study and I had to leave my brother behind. And today I am going back to Korea... To my brother.... My brother is an idol meaning he has a busy schedule so we don't have much time to talk unfortunately.

I finish packing my suticase and I head off to go to the airport and to say my goodbyes to my friends.

I arrive at the airport and take out my phone.


Y/N: Hey Tae! I'm about 2 go on the plane 😄

Taehyung: Sweet! I can't wait to see u again!!!!!

Y/N: Same here!

Taehyung: So I'm still picking u up from the airport?

Y/N: Thats whats planned :D

Tae: Can't w8 until you meet my friends (there is 6 of them btw)!

Y/N: 6? Woah. I can't wait 2 meet them! Oh and I can't wait to see your choreography first hand ;)

Tae: Yea right

Y/N: Ok I gtg!!!!! See you soon!!!!! :DDDDDDDD

V: Bye!!!! :D

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