Chapter 4:

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I wake up to my phone chirping. I pick it up and see that I have two texts. The first text is from 'Mike ;)', so I touch his name on the screen of my phone.

* Mike ;) *

Goodmorning beautiful ;) Is it alright if I pick you up at 6 for dinner or do you want me to go early so we can hang out.

* Anne *

How about you come early and we can rent a movie and order takeout? :P

It doesn't even take a minute for Mike to answer back.

* Mike ;) *

Sounds good. I'll be there at 3.

* Anne *

See you then :)

I close out of the 'Mike ;)' inbox and see that the other message is from someone I prefer not to talk to right now. Maybe I should block her number?

I set my phone down and don't delete the message just in case I decide to read it later. Which is a highly improbable, but I keep it anyway without even giving it a glance.

I get up from my bed, draging the pink sheets with me. I glance at my alarm clock that reads 1:57 p.m. Not so much of morning anymore.

I walk to the bathroom attached to my room and run a quick shower and brush my teeth, doing the whole morning cycle. I put a layer of eyeliner on my eyelids and mascara to give my eyelashes volume. Once I'm satisfied with my makeup I straighten my dark layered hair and head to my closet. I pick out white jean shorts and a bright red floral and flowy top. I take out my red toms and head down stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Liz!" I greet my roommate.

"Oh, you finally choose to wake up. I was beginning worry, I thought you were dead."

"Nope! I'm alive as ever."

"You seem happy," she points out.

"Do I?" I flash her a bright smile.

"Let me guess, Mike is coming over?"

"How'd you know?"

" 'Cause you always act like your high or something when you text him or when he's comming over."

"I never noticed." I shrug it off, taking the apple she has in her hands and taking a bite.

"And you also tend to steel my food," she says, taking her apple back.

"Girl, please I do that anyway."


"So what about you, what are you doing today?" I question.

"I'm hanging out with Niall today," she says with a shy smile.

"Awww, I ship it! Nizbette, no. Niz, eww no. Uuu I know..."

"Shut up Anne! We're just friends," she says sadly.

"What, no! You guys are totally cute together."

"Really? But he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, I don't think he's into me that way."

"Of course he is! You just never see the signs, your one clueless blonde," I knock my knuckles on top of her head.

"What signs?"

"Well, to start off he always puts his arms around your shoulders and waist. That's the most obvious. And he always looks at you in a weird way that make me want to puke because he won't ask you out already!"

Just then I hear someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it. I think it's Mike. If it is he came a bit early." I walk over to the front door, curious to see who is behind it. When my fingers twist the nob and open it, the person behind the door catches me completely off guard.

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